13 ~ Not again

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Strange how old  habits never leave our side. Old dreams, old escapes, old looks, it never really fades, does it?

''... Amirah? I hear someone softly whisper. I look up and see Peter, heartbroken. No, please not this again. ''It's the only way to be safe, Peter..'' I say, the tears are forming in my eyes and I desperately try to hold them back. I have to be strong. For myself and for Peter. 

''I-I can keep you safe..!'' Peter calls out. ''You don't have to fear Rumplestiltskin. I can handle him.'' 

''No Peter, you can't and I know that. He had me captured a few moments ago, with just one look and I've never felt magic that powerful before. It's best if I stay in here, this way he can't get to me, as much as it hurts me to be here.'' I explain to Peter. I see his eyes tear up. ''I understand.'' He says softly. 

Then, he stands up and leaves. 

I've never felt this alone before. 

I wrap my arms around my knees and try not to cry. When I first locked myself up, at least it felt like I was doing a good thing. But now all of the sudden, this all feels so wrong. I don't want to be here, at all. I want to be with the boys, at camp, laughing and grilling fruits and meat on the roaring campfire. I want to lay in Peter's arms, under the stars. I want him whispering in my ear, telling me everything is going to be fine. 

I close my eyes, and try to imagine a cozy night at the camp, with the boys running around and laughing, playing some crazy game one of them came up with. 

I wanted to be there, so bad. But there is no way Rumple will leave me alone. 

Why me though? Why does all of this have to happen to me?

You were a monster from the beginning Amirah, this is what you deserve.

I push my eyelids together and try to think of other happy memories, just to get rid of the bad ones. The destructive ones that never really left my head. But it doesn't work, they only become stronger. I lull myself slowly from side to side, but even that doesn't calm me down. I feel silent tears rolling down my cheeks again and try to wipe them away. I lay down and sigh deeply. The events of today had exhausted me. Slowly but surely, my eyelids began to drop. And with one last thought of Peter, I fall asleep. 

I wake up from the sound of approaching footsteps. I open my eyes, and see the silhouette of a little boy standing next to my cage. ''...Misha?'' I whisper, still half asleep. ''Amirah! How did you escape from Rumplestiltskin? And why are you here again?'' He starts bombarding me with several questions, and I put my finger on my lips as a sign for him to stay silent. He stops the question wave, and waits for me to say something. 

''Misha, you can't be here! This is dangerous for both you and me. If Rumplestiltskin finds me...'' I whisper. 

''Why does he want you?'' Misha asks, wide-eyed. 

''I don't know, it doesn't make sense. I can't even control my magic properly yet.'' I frown. ''But Misha, that really doesn't matter. It is the least of my worries right now. I just want you, Peter and the boys to be safe. Please don't come here again, and tell the boys and Peter to stay away from here too. Rumplestiltskin wants me, and I don't want you to get involved because of me. I don't want any of you involved, not even Peter.''

I didn't want them to get in contact with Rumple. They're just a bunch of boys, they shouldn't be put in that kind of danger. And I care about Peter deeply, I don't want him to be in danger because of me. I need to figure this out myself.

''But... Amirah...'' He starts to protest but I wave him away. ''Misha, go.'' I say with tears in my eyes. ''No...'' He whispers. ''Yes. Misha, go away!'' I scream. He looks startled for a moment, but then turns around and starts running. Did I scare him? I hide my face into my hands. I probably did. 

Now Misha is scared of you too. Nice work, Amirah. Instead of protecting everyone, you are just pushing them away again.


This is an early update because I finished the chapter early and I don't do pre-writing for this book oops. 

Now it's time for some shameless self-promo.

I started writing a new book that I am actually really hyped for. It's not a fan fiction, but a teen fiction. It does include romance, and a whole lot of drama. It's going to be a boyxboy, so if you're not into that I guess you shouldn't read it. But if you do want to check it out, the first chapter will be out soon. Of course I will still be uploading chapters of this book too, I just need to figure out some kind of schedule and make it work with school and stuff. 

I hope you liked this chapter too :) 



You'll be the death of me ~A Peter Pan fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now