15 - Torture

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Funny how the decision between truth and lies we make every day is actually a decision

Amirah POV-

When I open my eyes again, the sunlight hurts them. I can feel myself moving, and when I turn my head I can see I'm on a sailing ship. I groan softly, my body hurts all over from all the movement of the cage and the cold I must've laid in. The consuming pain I had before from Rumple's spell was gone, it must've been just a mind trick.

''Sir, she's awake!'' I hear a sailor scream and seconds later, Rumple stands next to my cage. ''Finally.'' He grins. 

''How are you ever going to get me out of this cage if you don't have the key Rumple?'' I ask in a raspy voice. It's not like I'm ever going to hand the key over to him and I was going to break myself out anyway. I had always taken care of myself and this time was not going to be an exception. 

''I have a few ideas.'' Rumple grins evilly. This man was hard to startle. I didn't know how to react to that and just shut my mouth. I just had to think of an escape plan...

''Amirah, if you just surrender yourself nothing will happen to your family in Neverland, and you will finally live up to your true potential. Don't you see that that is the best thing to do, you foolish little girl?'' Rumple asked me, almost in a concerned voice. 

''Basically give you the power to destroy all the worlds and kill everyone who stands in your way? I'd rather not say that that is the best thing to do.'' I replied, crossing my arms. At the same time I checked out the rest of the ship, planning my potential escape routes. 

Suddenly, it felt like my head was exploding with pain. The sunlight became too much and I closed my eyes, trying to protect myself from the headache. It was no use, the pain didn't disappear. ''For you certainly, it will be the best choice you got.'' I heard Rumple say from far, far away. Of course he was torturing me with magic, trying to make me surrender. ''I.. won't give in..'' I murmured, trying to ignore the pain.

 ''You will once I start with the real torture, my love.'' Rumple said finally and just like that, the pain disappeared and I blacked out again.

''Amirah.'' A voice whispered. I opened my eyes and saw Peter. I smiled weakly. ''I knew you'd save me.'' I mumbled. He reached with his hand to touch mine, and I let him. The touch made shivers running up my spine, but I was too weak to let any electricity leave my body. He stroked my hand with his fingers. ''It's going to be all right, I'm here for you. I will save you.'' He whispered again.

But his voice began to fade.

Suddenly, he entered the cage, wrapping his arms around me. I started to cry. ''Oh Peter, I can't do this anymore. I'm not as strong as you all think I am. I can't take all this torture, I feel like I'm dying slowly.'' I cried and cried, and Peter held me in his arms. His voice was barely audible by now. ''You are strong. We try to give you the power you need.'' He shushed me. Now the feeling of his arms wrapped around me started to fade away too. ''Peter, oh Peter don't leave.. Don't leave me here!'' I kept crying, until he was gone. 


I felt tears on my cheeks. I fluttered my eyelids. 

''Wake up!'' The same voice whispered. I fluttered my eyelids once again.

''Please, now. Or the other sailors will notice me.'' The voice kept whispering and I reached up to touch my face. When I felt the hot, wet tears I wiped them off and opened my eyes fully. 

''Am I dreaming still?''

''Peter sent me.''

Misha was there. And actually there, not in a dream. He wore a sailor suit and I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed him before. 

''What are you doing here?''

''Breaking you out, but not right now and it must happen discrete.'' 

''How are you going to break a girl who is surrounded by guards 24/7 in a discrete way?'' I asked him. 

''Peter has a plan. I just wanted to let you know, you must hold on. Whatever they do, okay? Do not give in to the torture.'' Misha said and grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket. 

''Burn this once you've read it. I'll be close by at all times.'' He finally whispered and turned around, leaving me with the tiny piece of paper.

I love you. 

Hold on. Please.

And I didn't have to question who it was from. I recognized everything, from the handwriting to the way it was written.

I will hold on Peter, I will. I thought as I held the paper close to my heart. I closed my eyes and let a tiny flame ignite, slowly burning the small piece of paper.

I didn't want Peter to come and save me, because I didn't want to be depended on someone. But the truth is that even before all this, I depended on Peter. I had my whole life, even if I wasn't aware of it. 

You'll be the death of me ~A Peter Pan fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now