V: Early mornings

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The next morning I woke to Jinora's lips against mine. "Morning meathead" I said, keeping my eyes closed as the harsh sunlight shone in my face. "Can you stop calling me that?" She asked.

"No, because I'm not afraid to get on your bad side, how am I meant to be yours forever? If I can't stand by your side in all of your moods? Tell me that meathead!!!" I said. "I want you to love me for all that I am, the runaway thief that changed his ways when he fell in love" I closed my eyes as my heart rate picked up.

"Kai, open your eyes and look at me" she told me. I opened my eyes smiling. "I see you, and do you wanna know what I see?" I stared into her eyes. "I see the most beautiful woman in the world that is carrying my child" I said half dazed. II kissed my way down to her belly to greet my unborn child, "hi baby, this is daddy and I love you" I said and Jinora my head at her growing belly.

"When do we tell grandma Pema and grandpa Tenzin they're gonna be grandparents?" She asked.
"When you feel ready" I said, "perhaps our engagement tomorrow night".
"Okay, you know once this one is born you know that will bond us forever" she said.
"That is what I want, I want you forever" I sighed, "how can you think otherwise?".
"I'm sorry, I just don't think you will like it when you wake up and your fiancé is fat" she pouted.
"Fat or not Master Meathead, I love you, you would not be carrying my baby if I didn't love you" I said, "now you and our child come to Daddy" I pulled her waist closer. I saw a faint glow disappear behind Jinora. But I shrugged it off assuming it was a figment of my imagination.

I sat up as she snuggled herself in front of me, she had her back to me and had her head to the side so I'd be looking over her shoulder. She took off the betrothal necklace I made her, to stare at it, "what's the matter? You don't like it do you?" I asked her she ran her fingers around the spirals carved into it.

"On the contrary, I was admiring it, I love it and I love you you, we're really doing this, getting married I mean" Jinora smiled as she gripped my hand and placed it on her betrothal necklace. Thank you for accepting me not only as an a Air nomad but as a water tribe" she kissed me on my cheek.

"You're welcome Meathead" I said caressing my unborn child.
"We'll help me up, you have some training to do so Daddy can earn his mastery tattoos like Ikki and I" she said leaning forward.
"Yes Master" I replied getting to my feet and helping her to her's. She yawned her way into the restroom. I helped her with her wing suit and drew my finger along her arrow on her right arm, before zipping her wingsuit. "You look so good to me" I said as my arms wrapped around her. I pulled her backwards with me grabbing her blue hairbrush.

We sat on the bed and I brushed her hair, stroke after stroke and her bed head disappeared. "You don't have to do this, I can do it on my own" She was dressed and ready now. Her eyes sparkled in the morning light.

I quickly dressed myself and followed her out the door to a morning training session on Avatar Aang memorial island. The wind was brisk and cold, Ikki was already waiting, "you two took your time lovebirds" she shouted over the morning wind.

"Sifu, morning" I bowed to Ikki and Jinora. Opal was here already, Bolin and Huan were making breakfast, frying eggs on a metal plate Huan had suspended over lava. "How do you like your eggs Opal?" Bolin yelled.

"Sunny side up" she replied as Ikki paired me with Opal for a sparring match.

I glared at opal she struck a low blow, I jumped to avoid it, I did an Aerial over her head landed kneeling and sent a blade of wind parallel with the ground. Opal blasted my wind blade with a gust of wind to counter my strike.

Jinora once told me stories Tenzin used to tell her, of how Aang, made wind vortexes, as a kid he was an Airbending prodigy, just like his granddaughter. I ran in circles as fast as the wind would help me. Opal was swept into the air, where she up clipped her wingsuit and used the tornado to her advantage, she vanished in the winds.

She was nowhere to be seen. Before I knew she swooped in from behind and gripped me tightly in a headlock.
"Well done Opal" Ikki said walking over to congratulate her.

She released me and massaged my neck, "you were good" I said, I just got owned.

"Wow, Opal, that was incredible" Bolin said. "Thanks Bo" she kissed him on the cheek.
"I just didn't want to hurt a girl" I said in my defence.
"Come on Kai, we know that's a lie" she winked.
"Jinora, can you not?" I rolled my eyes turning my attention to Opal for round two.
"Focus Kai" she commanded.
"Then stop distracting me" I shouted at my master.
"Love you too" she said sarcastically, but I could tell she meant it.
If I lose again Jinora it's on you" I told her.
"Okay fine" she smiled.
Opal raised her guard, and I switched my footing to crouch slightly.

"Begin" Jinora said watching us, I was looking at Jinora when Opal dashed at me she blasted wind at me, a clean shot to my chest.i spun backwards through the air unclipping my wingsuit, stabilised myself wi a little difficulty, and took to the sky. Swooped down at her send spiralling wings at her, stabilised myself before contact with either opal or the ground.

I landed on my feet to find she avoided my attack, I whipped up cover from the dirt and felt sweat begin to drip down my face. Her kick sent wind that pushed me back. I tried to deflect the gust but it was too late I was on the ground.

"Opal wins again" Ikki declared.
"Lunch time now" Jinora smiled. Bolin and Huan glad made a barbecue from lava and metal. Porkbeef steaks smelled great, I looked at the steak, "I missed you meat" I said taking my seat with Jinora.

"Are you sure Uncle Sokka wasn't your dad?" Jinora asked curiously.
"I am earth kingdom, so yeah, I'm sure" I replied. Offering her steak.
"No thanks Kai, how can you stomach that stuff?" She asked.
"Like this" Bolin said as he stabbed his meat, then he shoved the whole steak down his throat.

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