I headed to the cave being careful not to slip, I managed to lacerate my hand slightly which I wrapped up with a cloth but the only thing was that now the griffin could smell my scent. I managed to get to the mouth of the cave and slunk inside, I saw claw and drag marks on the ground it was accompanied with blood and so I put my fingers in the substance I rubbed it between them.

'About a few hours old' I thought and then searched deeper in the cave. I began to tread warily and I kept to the shadows hoping not to spook the creature to only make it easier for me, but I heard chain mail rattling and heavy footfalls, I heard the creature caw loudly and the beast soon revealed itself. It was ebony with bright golden eyes, a sharp beak and razor claws. I soon saw the white haired one appear and he charged at the beast causing it to claw deeply into his right fore arm.

That was when I revealed myself I ran at the creature roaring as I did, it clawed me around the face narrowly missing my eye and leaving three giant scratch marks across my face. The yellow eyed figure looked at me and then at the wolf medallion hanging around my neck. The griffin reared up and sunk its claws into his shoulders forcing him to the ground, I leapt over the figure and cut the Griffins head clean off, but as the head fell it hit the figure and knocked him out.

I had to drag the figure out of the cave, leaving a bloodied drag mark behind me since he was losing blood and fast, I rested him by a tree while I received my payment from Anna. I knocked on her door and she answered looking a little shocked I survived. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Fine" I answered.

"Are you sure?" She inquired pointing to my scars which reached my hairline on the left side of my face. "Come in and let me clean your wounds" she offered.

"Really I am fine. I have to take care of the fool who provoked the griffin" I replied and she put a sack of coin into my hand and I mounted my horse. I sat the figure in front of me, my arms through his so I could hold the reins, and he leant against my torso as I trotted back to my cabin deep with in the Nilfgarddien woods. Once there I dragged him into my bedroom and laid him on my bed. I unstrapped his swords and laid them with mine, I had to take his shirt off in order to get to his wounds on his torso but I left his medallion on, we Witchers never take them off. My fingers delicately traced the existing scars which marked his body. I rested my ear on his chest and I could still hear his heart thumping loudly and strong, I was surprised he was still alive!

"My witcher you have been in the wars" I whispered.

I soon took off my heavy armour so I could move more freely, I was left in nothing more than just my black shirt and black trousers, then I filled a bowl of water up with warm water, I took a cloth from my cupboard and then pulled my hair into a Celtic knot and saw to my guests wounds. I lit a few candles so I could see what I was doing, I then approached the bed, I rested my hand on his forehead and he was burning up, so I dabbed his wounds gently and I had no response since he was deeply unconscious. Vesimir taught me how to treat wounds,so I cleaned his wounds as gently as I could and then began stitching them, I wrapped his arm in a bandage but the damage was bad I was sure he wouldn't be using his right arm anytime soon or even ever again, he had lost so much blood that I knew he would be down for a couple of days.

So while he rested I saw to my own wounds, I had a mirror in front of me and I cleaned my wounds but didn't bother stitching them since my face wasn't too lacerated but I used some of my healing serums on them to help them heal faster, I didn't use any on my guest simply because I am not sure if his mutation would accept it since I under went a different mutation.

I soon walked out in my back yard where I saw Aphrodite and his horse grazing silently next to one another. It was beginning to rain, so I hushed my horses, ram and highland cattle into their barn. I walked back inside with a deer Hyde blanket wrapped around my shoulders and I sat in front of the fire. I soon felt drowsy and fell asleep but however I was woken up to someone hissing slightly and my bed creaked. I knew the fool was only coming around. I looked over and noticed he glanced over to me, his eyes glowing as did mine.

He tried speaking but he was too weak to even try so he passed out again. I then got up and decided to make food for my guest since my mutation ruled out the fact of eating for me. I made hare stew which I had caught the day before, I put it into a bowl and padded over to my guest. I put every pillow behind his head so he was sitting up slightly and so I could feed him at least, he needed his strength if he was to heal properly, I managed to feed him half a bowl before trying to get up and put the bowl on the table but he grabbed my arm gently.

"Stay" he wheezed. So I ended up putting the bowl on his night stand instead of the table. I rested my hand gently on his forehead and his fever seemed to be breaking.

"Yennefer" he whispered looking at me, I knew he was delirious because of how weak he was. I had spent most of the night sitting with my guest but I was growing tired so I slept on the floor next to him. Morn soon shone through my unshuttered Windows and the birds sung loudly awaking me and my guest.

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