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   Do coincidences exist? How likely is it to accidentally kill the person who will later help your best friend? Is it possible for time to warp itself so greatly that you can die before assisting the person who will end up killing you?

   And what is 'time'? If you had to give it a shape, what would it look like? A straight line? A circle? A slinky? A maze? Would it have a shape at all?

   And just as confusing is the concept of trust and friendship. What is that initial feeling that inspires you to trust someone? And how do you define a friendship? When is the line drawn between friendship and sisterhood, or friendship and love?

   Speaking of love, how does one describe it? The feeling that you would do anything for that person? A sense of mutual hate? Respect? A longing to be with that person?

   Finally, how do you find the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark? Which side is truly evil? Is evil even a thing, or is it just a form of good that acts differently?

   In this book you'll follow the tales of 15 different girls, and how they change when challenged to make a decision. The lines between life and death and right and wrong are blurred to the point of no recognition. Time and magic have no limits as, despite not knowing each other, the girls influence each other's lives in greater ways than imaginable. As you read, you can decide if what happens is merely a coincidence, or if there's something more going on under the surface. Fate? Destiny?

So read on curious bookworm, and let's see if my tales can satisfy your thirst for a story. . .

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