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Once Upon A Time,

"You're gonna wish you were never born!"

"Make me!"

Violet sighed and rolled her eyes. Incompetent fools. Thinking they could pick on her. She glared at the boy in front of her. "Don't test my limits Carlos. I will make you regret it if you do."

"Sure you will," Carlos sneered. He opened his mouth to say more, but Violet heard someone clear their throat behind her. Without having to turn around, she guessed that her group had gotten here. The six of them together was an intimidating sight. Time to end this. An eyebrow raise. Cross of the arms. Smirk while giving a sassy hip pose.

Carlos glared at them, but he knew when he was defeated. "Someday real soon Violet, you're going to regret being so mean to everyone. Someone's going to take you down, and you're going to be put in your place. Then you'll see how it feels to be on the bottom."

"Whatever Carlos," Violet said as she turned and walked away. Her group followed behind her, leaving Carlos to stew angrily to himself. If only someone had been there to witness it other than her group mates. She needed someone to spread the word about her recent victory.

Wait a sec, who's that? A small boy, about her age, maybe younger, wearing glasses was struggling with a large stack of books and some heavy bags. Perfect. Violet walked up to the boy and took some of the books of the top. They were heavy. "Hey. My name's Violet. What's your name?"

The boy looked up. "Wha? Oh, I'm Alex."

"Well Alex, I need to ask a favor of you."

"Sure, what is it?"

Before he could react, Violet dumped the stack of books on the kid's head. From behind him, Amanda kicked him in the back of the knees causing him to fall. His glasses slid off his face and across the floor to stop under Kira's foot. He blinked blearily. Seeing his glasses stuck under Kira's boot, he began to scramble to his feet. Amanda held him down by placing the heel of her boot on the small of his back. Sensing the warning, Alex had no choice but to sit and watch as Kira's boot came down with a crunch on his glasses. And if that wasn't enough, she amused herself in grinding the shards of glass into small pieces of sharpened dust. Violet leaned down to look directly into Alex's face. "How about you spread the word that nobody messes with Violet, or they will regret it."

Alex nodded numbly as he stared wide eyed at his broken glasses. Kira kicked the dust and shards of his lens into his eyes and grinned at his pain. Satisfied that her reign over the school would be reinforced, Violet waved her hand and got her friends to follow her.

Violet and her group walked out of the school towards the market place. Well known students waved to her as she passed and Violet would occasionally smile back if she liked them. Other kids stopped what they were doing and watched as the most respected teen girl in their town paraded past with her group trailing behind her.

Along the way to the marketplace, Violet stopped to gossip with a few people. Nicky, one of the lesser members of the group, and great a picking up gossip would linger behind and eavesdrop on the people to make sure that they had told the truth. If they didn't, Violet set Nicky's twin Clarissa on revenge making detail. Nowadays, most school members told her the truth.

When they finally reached the marketplace, Violet looked at the different stands. Her mother had told her to go and get some food with the money she was given earlier today, but there were some very fancy necklaces that she hadn't seen before over at the jeweler's stand. One of the members of her entourage stepped up beside her.

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