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   ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a very pissed off girl. This girl also happened to be part vampire, and leader of a rebellion against the vampire prince. She was currently pissed off because she'd found out that the prince was in fact a member of their rebellion, therefore ruining their plan. It also issued a giant problem in said girl's love life. Even worse, her best friend had just gone missing having been captured by said prince, who was rumored to have a crush on her which put an even bigger dent in previously said love life. The biggest issue was that this pissed off girl was having a very difficult time staying pissed off at said intruding vampire prince because one, this prince was very charming, and two- well, allow me to back up some.


   Abby had a perfectly normal life for a six-year-old street rat. In her mind, everything was going fine. She had about five preferred places to get food, ten if she was feeling desperate. The church let her sleep in the back Monddas through Winsdas, the free soup place Tridas through Saldas and on Surdas and any days when the church and soup place were closed, she had a small hovel in a far back alley. It was cramped, but it kept her and her few possessions safe and dry.

   Abby had never thought that she'd need someone. That was until she met Rhain. He helped save her when some city boys decided it'd be funny to tie a weight to her ankle and drop it down a storm drain that was in a deep ditch. She hadn't worried about it too much until it started pouring.

  "Hey little urchin," sneered the twelve-year-old. "Whatcha doin out here?"

  "None of your business," she spat back. "How about you go back to failing your classes and leave me alone?"

  "At lease I'm in school!"

  "Only cuz your mama's getting cozy with the head teacher!"

  His face turned bright red as his two friends snickered. "That ain't true!"

  "Whatever city boy. Stay outta my way and I'll stay outta yours."

   "Too late for that," he growled, stepping closer. "I don't like the way you speak."

  "What's the matter?" she taunted. "Is my country accent too exotic for you to understand?"

   "Nah. It's the fact that you don't know when to shut your mouth the hell up. Now how's about we show your exotic accent, an exotic city beating."

   Abby tried to run away, but the four older boys were faster than her, and knew the city better. She had almost made it out- it'd taken some kicks, bites, and almost clawing out an eye- when two more boys caught her when she was turning a corner. Hiding back up? No fair! She thought as she kneed one in the stomach. Sadly, his stomach was like rock and she ended up hurting herself more than the boy.

   They all laughed as the twelve-year-old leader came to stand in the front. Abby was happy to see that he stood some ways back, and that blood was still running from where she'd aimed for his eye.

   "You've got some kicks I see," he said. In his hand was a heavy weight, attached to a rope. He looped it around her right ankle. After knotting it tight enough that she was starting to lose circulation in her foot, he looked up and grinned. "Now let's see how strong those kicks are. Drop her in the drain!"

   Abby's eyes widened as she was dragged to a ditch where her ankle weight was dropped through the bars of a storm drain. A strangled cry bubbled from her throat when she felt her leg slide part ways through the bars with the weight. The boys laughed from above her. I wonder why they're laughing? It's not like I can't get out.

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