Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I came out of the hallway walking beside Liam.

My nose was throbbing and my eye was tender. Wow I'm exited for the black eye. Not.

I will need a really good story for when the press sees. Crap. they can't see it. Simon will kill me.

And how will I make a cover up story? I can't do that! I can write songs. NOT cover up events.

Oh crap something is coming up. Shit Liam. What did you do to me?

Kristin's POV

Harry and Liam both came out of the hallway looking in horrible pain.

"What the fuck guys." I yelled 

Everybody turned to me.

Did I forget to mention that I'm a goody? 19 years old and I've never cussed out loud until now.

"Sorry ." I mumbled.

before anybody could respond Harry ran up the stairs and straight into the bathroom.

I thought nothing of it until i heard the worst wrenching noises that ever ceased to exist.

"Harry." Liam caled. I'm mad that that boy.

But I didn;tt do anything about it because I'm frozen with fear.

"Kristin" I heard harry moan barley audible.

'Help" he siad almost as a whisper. I was so scared.

But Harry needed me, so I waled slowly up the stairs shaking at the thought of what I might see.

When I got to the top of the stairs I walked forward 2 steps so I could reach the handle. 

I turned it with a shaking fist and opened the door.

I screeched at what I saw.

Blood insede the toilet and al over the flors and an unconsious harry laying on the floor with blood dripping from the corners of his pursed lips. 

I heard footsteps the boys were coming.

I was dizzy. My whole world spinning around, before it turned black. I felt my self falling and the boys trying to help both me and Herry before I felt myself land with a thud. 

Louis POV

Mty best mate, my HazzaBear laying unconsious on the ground. It was scary but I heard a sound that took my attention away; a thud. 

And kristen laying at the bottom of the stairs in a mix of hers and Harry"s blood.

A/N  I wasn't goimg to make the chapter this graphic but I was in a really bad mood. Tell me if it was too graphic, or too confusing, did you like it or not? 

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