Chapter 2

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I had decided to drop by Tanya's place. Lori, their mother, had always seen me as her own daughter and to say I've missed her is an understatement. 

Once I reached their house I looked around, thinking of all the memories I had here. I made my way to the front door, rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. 

I recognised Lori by her dirty blonde hair but everything else about her had changed. 

"Yes..?" She said confused. 

"Hey Lori, it's Evie." I said with a smile. 

She let out a scream and engulfed me into a hug, making me laugh. 

"You've grown into a beautiful lady!" She said letting me in. 

I looked around to see boxes everywhere and different coloured paints in the corner. 

"I just came by to sa-"

"Evie!" Tanya exclaimed running to me. 

We hugged and laughed and once we broke apart I saw Lori smiling at the both of us. 

"Evie dear, have you had breakfast?" Lori asked. 

"As a matter of fact no. My family has gone to Manchester for the week and I'm not really good with food." 

"So you'll be living on your own for a week?" Tanya asked as I nodded. "That's nonsense! Mum she has to stay with us right?" 

"No, no I'm perfectly fin-"

"There's no question to it! Of course you're staying!"

After thinking about it I finally said yes. I heard the stairs creak and looked to my side to see Harry. When he saw me he stiffened for a few seconds but recovered back to his old self and ignored me. 

"I'm going out, don't stay up for me." And with that he closed the door behind him. 

Lori let out a sigh and started preparing our breakfast, whereas I turned to Tanya with a questioning look and mouth slightly open. 

"Oh, don't mind him. That's every day routine. Some days he can get really nice and say see ya. But that's it really." Tanya said, making me laugh.

I thanked Lori for breakfast and told them I'll be back with my belongings later on in the day. 

I started to make my way to my house but instead of taking the normal way I decided to take a shortcut. 

I looked around and the alley was deserted. A cold breeze brushed by my cheek so harshly it felt like someone had slapped me. Out of nowhere I heard a scream of pain and voices. I slowly made my way to the end of the alley and looked from the corner to see Tyler lying on the ground and someone standing with their back against me. 

"Tell your boss I'll do everything, if he leaves Bradford." 

I immediately recognised the voice as Harry. 

"And why should he listen to you!" Tyler said, as he spat blood out of his mouth. 

Harry let out a laugh, and it was so cold it sent shivers down my back. He then proceeded to kick Tyler and I couldn't stand it anymore. 

"Stop!" I shouted. 

They both reacted and looked at me, Tyler with a slight smirk and Harry, eyes full of shock. 

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked through gritted teeth, as I neared them. 

"What are you doing beating the hell out of him?!" I exclaimed pointing to Tyler. 

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