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You were a coordi-noona for Seventeen. They were so funny and you loved every single one of them. You were so comfortable with all of them and they were like your best friends. There was one guy though that you weren't as comfortable with. He made you super nervous. That guy was Hoshi. Yeah, he's super cute and has funny aegyo and he's sweet and all but you had a huge crush on him so whenever you were around him you got nervous and tried to avoid him. He always tried to talk to you but you couldn't hardly get two words out before you would run away nervously. The other guys had always noticed that you were always avoiding him and you would run away from him a lot. They finally decided to ask you why you did all that. "Please don't tell him I said this but I like him. A lot. I get nervous whenever I'm around him so I just try to avoid him and I always run away because I'm just too nervous to be able to talk to him," you admitted. The others let out ohs and ahs once you told them why and they finally realized it. "Just tell him. What's the worst that could happen?" DK asked smiling brightly. "Yeah, I think he might like you a little, too. He's always asking about you since you won't talk to him. Maybe if you just told him he just might say he likes you, too," Joshua said. "Do you really think so?" you asked nervously. Everyone said yeah so you tried to build up the courage to go tell Hoshi that you liked him.
You walked over to Hoshi and nervously started speaking. "I know I don't talk to you a lot and I always run away whenever you talk to me but I have a good reason for it. You make me nervous," you said quickly. "Why do I make you nervous?" he asked you concerned. "You make me nervous because I like you," you said. He stood there shocked with his mouth open. After a few minutes he spoke. "You really like me?! Oh my gosh you have no idea how happy this makes me!! I like you, too!!" he said super happily. "Will you go out with me?" he asked you unable to control the huge grin on his face. "Yes. Of course I will. I would love to," you said giggling. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him and kissed you. It was the sweetest and cutest kiss ever. After you both pulled away, he lightly kissed your forehead. "No matter what happens, I will always love and protect you," he smiled.
He then grabbed your hand and lifted your arm into the air. "GUYS I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" he yelled loudly. The other guys started laughing. "See? I told you he probably liked you," Joshua said.
Hoshi kissed and hugged you over and over again after that and you knew he would do what he promised and love and protect you.

The End

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