Chapter 2 ~ Crush On Sherlock Holmes

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😃First time using my iPod to update a story, sorry if it screws it up or anything.

~ CrAzYpErSoN321. 😃

Chapter 2

"Nice name." I say

"Thanks." He replies, his voice was driving me crazy I loved it.

"So who do you hangout with, who are your friends?" I ask

"He doesn't have friends." Snapped a guy in front of our table, he was in the group that was teasing Sherlock before class.

"Yeah he doesn't have friends," I say seeing Sherlock's head drop, " he's just got one."

Sherlock put his head up and smiled at me, I smiled back. The guy who was being a jerk turned around and walked to his seat in the front of the class.

"You've got to stand up for yourself, you're taller than pretty much every one in that group. Just ignore what they say, and if you have to make a comment, make a good one. You're brilliant it won't be that hard." I say looking into his face.

" so you are saying that if they continue teasing me I should either ignore them or fight back?" Sherlock asked me

"Yes." I answer him

"Is it that simple?" He asks me

"Yes, just stand up for your self and all your problems will go away." I answer him noticing he was sitting up taller.

"I should have stood up for myself a long time ago." He said

"How long have you been at this school?" I asked

" three years." He answered

" and your just now going to stand up for yourself?" I sighed, " what class do you have next?"

"Chemistry 2." He answered blankly

"So do I." I said smiling some more.

We both laughed, his laugh was so deep it almost sounded evil.

"Mr. Holmes and Miss Adair, would you please quiet down back there?" The teacher scolded us.

"Yes." Both me and Sherlock say at the same time, the teacher rolled her eyes.

"That was the first time I have been told to be quiet in class." Sherlock said looking proud of himself.

We both started snickering.

The rest of the class went by like that. The next thing we knew the bell rang, and we were on our way to chemistry.

We were stopped in the hallway, by that group of guys that wouldn't leave us alone.

"Aww freak is walking with his girlfriend." Their leader said.

Sherlock looked at me from the corner of his eye, I nodded.

He stepped forward slowly, then stopped.

"First of all my name is not Freak, it is Sherlock Holmes, and secondly she is my girlfriend, simply because she is female and my friend." Sherlock blurted out quickly. " and it would seem that you don't have any girlfriends, so using your voice to tease others about having a girlfriend is quite senseless ."

Every one in that groups mouths were hanging open.

"Come along we are done here." Sherlock said pulling me through the crowd and into chemistry class.

"Good job." I say congratulating him.

"Thanks." He said, " was i really that good?" He asks

" I know it scared him." I said

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