Bad Girl

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I wake up and take a shower. I put a towel over me and forgot the boys were in my room. They stared at me and I ran in my closet. I heard them talking. I put on my lace bra and undies. I put on my adidas shirt, tights,and shoes.I put on my don't care beanie. I flat ironed my hair and did a dramatic makeup look. I walked out and the boys looked at me. "There is a bad girl alert!"Jacob said. I winked and smiled. I took a selfie and posted it on Instagram. I walked downstairs and cooked some waffles. I started eating and watching t.v,while the boys talked. I was happy that I was dating Nash. I finished and washed the dishes. We went to the mall. I walked in Victoria's Secret the boys followed me around and saying ooh when I bought a bra. I walked out the store. We went to Starbucks. Sooner or later we got home. I jumped on Nash's bed and fell asleep. I dreamed about me singing "pretty girls"

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