Who Holds A Phone Hostage?

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I didn’t really get much sleep last night. I was up thinking about, wait for it, Luke. I kept replaying what he said over and over and over again in my head.

“Do you really hate me that much?” He asked with a slight pout and the saddest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen in my whole life…

“It’s ok. I know I can be a jackass most of the time. And our first meeting wasn’t exactly ideal. I’m sorry.” He said before turning away.

His face made my heart brake into a million and one pieces. I never thought someone could look so sad and so hurt. I don’t know why or how I could’ve hurt him so much. I mean, he gets tons of hate everyday from tens of thousands of people everyday. Shouldn’t he be used to it. Listen to yourself Sophia. Are you serious? How can someone ever be used to people hating them? That’s impossible! Gosh, idiot! I still don’t understand his intact infatuation with me. We only met yesterday on the elevator and ever since I’ve been bashing him and rejecting him. I must admit, I have been pretty harsh on him. I mean, some of the things I said to him was really rude and hurtful.

“I hope you don’t think that you saying that makes me feel special. It makes me feel horrible. I mean fuck my luck. Of course I’d be the one to end up on an elevator with you.” I said.

Now that, that was a really mean thing to say to anyone. No wonder he thinks I hate him. Well, I kind of do. Well, I think I still do. I don’t know how I feel about him anymore. I feel sorry for him. I feel like I shouldn’t have been so mean. I feel like I should’ve given him a chance instead immediately hating him, despite our little conflict on the elevator. I mean, immediately after our argument he came and apologized. I should’ve taken it. I should’ve been nicer. I shouldn’t have been such an enormous bitch.

Never in all my years of living, I’d think I’d actually feel bad for hating Luke Collins. I do though. I feel horrible. What kind of horrible, mean person hates someone before they have even gotten a chance to meet them? How could I let myself just believe everything that is said on the TV and the lies media spreads without even getting his side of the story? That’s not fair. If it were me, I’d want a fair chance. I’d want people to see me for the real me and not the person that media makes me out to be. I’m sure that’s what he wants too. Damn, I’m such a bitch. How could I be so mean and stupid and mean! Ugh!

 This is not like me. I never hate anyone. And Luke is the only person I have ever hated in all my life and I’ve never met him up until yesterday. How do you hate someone you’ve never met? Gosh! Sophia, all this time you’ve been so mean and so hurtful and hateful to a person you’ve never actually talked to.

I do have to admit he is really cocky and stuck up and full of himself, but I’m sure deep down inside, there is a person. A wonderful person with a good heart and kind soul waiting to come out. Now, now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s take this one step at a time. First step being, apologizing for being such a huge bitch.

Maybe I should call him. Do I even have his number? I don’t know. Let me check. I reach over on my nightstand to find my phone nowhere in sight. That’s weird; I always have my phone next to me when I sleep. I got up and check the pants I was wearing last night, also not there. I checked my purse, not there either. I ran around my room checking everywhere for my phone and couldn’t find it anywhere. I walked outside to see Ana walking out of her room rubbing her eyes.

“Ana bear, have you seen my phone?” I asked walking towards her.

“No, have you lost it?” She asked looking at me.

“I think so, can I borrow your phone to call it?” I asked sweetly. She nodded before whipping out her phone and handing it to me. “Thanks bae.” I said before walking back in my room to call it. It rang three times before someone answered it.

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