Preface: Angels of Zygeria

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"This is Admiral Yularen to Angel Syndicate. I repeat. This is Admiral Yularen to Angel Syndicate. Do you read me."

You groaned as you spun on a swivel chair. "Grace, can you get it?"

"Sure thing Boss." She replied and walked over to the holoprojector in a small closet.

"And this time, try and be a bit more professional." You added.

She laughed. "When am I not?"

You raised an eyebrow at her as she punched in the transmission codes.

"Yo." She said as the Admiral appeared. You face palmed.

"Ah. Agent Little Wolf. Is Red there with you?"

She nodded. "Yes. One moment please." She turned around and yelled at you across the room. "Hey, yo Boss! It's for you!"

You groaned getting up from your comfy seat. "I heard! I heard!"

You took long quick strides to the projector and stood next to your fellow Agent in the closet, shutting the door behind you. "What can I do for you, Admiral?"

"You and your syndicate have a new mission." 'Oh goodie.'"Your assignment is to help escort and provide a life feed of information about incoming Togrutan slaves for an extraction team. They will be arriving in about five rotations."

"Five rotations!" Grace said in an outburst of rage, waving her hands. "What is this a-"

You put your hand up to silence her. "We have Agent Venom already tracking and recording on the Queen... We can put another agent on the Prime Minister. You will have your Intel soon."

"Thank you, Black Swan. I will let your incoming party know of your assistance." The transmission cut.

"The nerve of some people." Grace hissed as she untangled a clump of hair. "I assume you want me to stalk the Minister?"

"No. Thrash will." You said letting out a sigh and kicked open the door.

"Everything alright Boss?" She walking over to the fridge and pulling out a beer. She gestured to you if you wanted one too, but you shook your head no.

"You know. Sometimes I wish I was still scouting on the front lines."

Grace scoffed. "You would have died by now."

"I guess." You said dreamily, hugging a pillow. "But it was a lot more fun than constantly sticking to the shadows."

"Let me guess. It was the people?"

"Yes. Actually." You said sitting down on the pull out bed with Grace. "They were like family. Then I got sucked up in all of... this." You said gesturing to everything.

"So I'm not family," Grace gasped, pretending to be offended.

You nudged her with your elbow before slouching further into the bed. "You know what I meant. they only thing keeping us from being a family legally is blood."

"Well you know, there is another way.~" She said wiggling here eyebrows.

"Oh, hush up." You said throwing the pillow at her. "You're like my sister."

You took a port-screen off of the side table and quickly sent Thrash his orders. "I just sometimes wonder what happened them."

"Yeah," Grace sighed befoe downing her beer. "I guess I understand."

Silence engulfed the two of you. Grace swirled her bottle impatiently looking around the small room.

"It's late boss," Grace commented, getting up.

"Yes. Yes, it is Ms. Abounds."

"Still want to complete the last round?" She asked.

Groaning, you slip off the bed. "Eh. Why the hell not."

She grinning she threw open a cabinet, revealing a whole loot of guns. "What shall it be?"

"Sniper-riffle. F-class." You said kicking off your slippers and grabbing your boots.

"Classy as always Boss." She cackled, swishing her tail and clipped a pair of handguns to her belt.

"Hehe. Old habits die hard, I guess." You said slapping on the rest of your gear. "Let's bag us some Zygerian scum."

Grace let out a wolf-like howl as she tossed you your rifle.

"This is going to be a fun. I've gotten a bit rusty lately" You thought out loud and walked out your studio apartment door with the Little Wolf.

Locking the door behind yourself, Grace pulled out another can of beer.

"Where do you even put those?" You asked.

She looked around with a slight blush on her checks. "You don't want to know."

The two off you climbed up the steps of the rickety old stairwell and opened a hatch to the roof. The night air was pleasantly cool and enough lights were on to see clearly down on the streets of the slum. Considering the planet's motto of the weak serving the powerful, you wondered why a place like this even existed in the Capital.

Grace drained the rest of her can and smashed it against her head. "Race you!" She said and started to jump rooftops. You rolled your eyes and began to follow your counterpart.

After a few minutes of jumping, the two of you reached a decently guarded warehouse.

"Ripe for the picking. Eh, Boss?" Grace jeered.

"Seems almost too easy." You remarked with skepticism, as you placed the Sniper-riffle in position.

"We just might be that good." She said leaning against the edge of the roof.

Looking through the scope, you lined your aim to one of the more isolated Zygerians. "If we can take a few off these guys out..." You trailed. "We could take some much need medical supplies..."

Grace chuckled as you pulled the trigger. Headshot. The others hadn't seemed to notice. 'One down, two more to go.'

You pushed some (h/l) (h/c) hair out over your face and shook your (d/h) hand before picking your next target.

"Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the back of us yet
We'll fight as long as we live." Grace hummed.

Another headshot. Reload.

"The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light"

Thrid headshot. 'Too easy. Or they are too lazy .' You thought to yourself and climbed down the building with Grace in tow.

"When do the sanitary units come on this block?" You asked.

"Tomorrow," Grace said dragging two of the bodies to the third.

"Let's salvage what we can and dump the bodies off the city. I think we can make it do the limits before sunrise. I'll check the storehouse."

Grace gave a nod before she started tieing the bodies together.

'This is going to be a quick five rotations.' You thought as you walked off to the warehouse.

(Captin Rex X Spy!Reader) Angels [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now