Chapter 3: The Good Old Days: Red Angel

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The Brave are always the first to die.

You lifted your body over a slab of green crystal and shot blindly at droids before ducking back down. Christofis had to have been one of the bloodiest campaigns you had ever been on. And much as you enjoyed scouting for the Grand Republic Army, this was a bit much. When your Company found out that there were Clone Troopers here to replace yourselves on the battlefield, they were ecstatic. But since the company holding out the front line, it was nearly impossible to receive the relief you all desired, or anything at all. Now your once merry crew of 1000 had slowly dwindled down to 200.

"Geez, (N/n). Frantic much?" A red Twi'lek laughed next you.

You just rolled your eyes. "Like you're doing much better Hanna." You managed to choke out before the ground shook around you.

"(Y/n)!" Someone called over the pounding of gunfire. "(Y/n) (L/n)!"

You sighed, "Over here!" You called as you tried to regain focus on the battle in front of you.

The ground shook again as felt a hand on your shoulder. Startled, you spun around to see the face of your Sergeant. Sergeant Horvath. "(Y/n). I've got a mission for you." He pulled a circular disk from the pocket of his vest. "Take this to General Kenobi without delay."

"Sir?" You said confused. "I don't understand."

"We are losing to much ground." The brunette Sergeant stated. "I don't want to risk giving the plans to the Sepes."

"B-but-" You tried.

"You are the only one who can make the run (Y/n). Take this and get it straight to the General. That's an order." Your boss commanded.

You hesitated and looked back to Hanna for recurrence.

"Don't worry (N/n)! You'll be back kicking ass with us in no time!" She chirped and went back to firing over the wall. "You're that fastest there is!"

"Think of it like this," The Sergeant added. "The faster you get this to command, the faster you can come back and blow heads with us."

You smiled, completely sold. "Promise you'll come back," Hanna said as you grabbed the disk with the world around you shaking once more. "It's no fun without you." 

You slowly stood up. "I promise... Just make sure you save a few for me." You teased.

"Good luck." The Sergeant said as you began to move away from the front lines.

Time seemed to blur as you slowly moved throughout the low trenches before breaking into a full sprint. You remember running. Running to the point where legs ached and burned. And you didn't look back. The sounds of gunfire still ringing in your ears, even though you were now far away.

You blinked and you appeared to be approaching a large courtyard lined with white specks. Confused on how you traveled so quickly, you rubbed your eyes and opened them again. But this time, you surrounded by clones in shiny white armor. They all seemed rather busy as they ran around from place to place.

Looking down at yourself you noticed how dirty you were compared to everyone else. You had dirt smeared everywhere and touching your forehead you found your own crimson blood. A wave of panic washed over you as you noticed blood in other places. You tried to rub off the dry blood on your (nd/h) but that only caused for the entire hand to be covered in a thick layer of warm and oozy blood.

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