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Dear Lisa,

I wonder if you can make out these words; I hope you do. I hope you wake up soon and read these jumbled scribbles.

I've hated myself since the day you went missing and I would never forgive myself if, god forbid, you died. You know, that was the first time I ever cried. I literally felt my heart ripped into pieces and Lisa, the void I felt, I wish no one ever feels that. Not even my worst enemy.

I searched everywhere for you and if I hadn't had a friend working here, I possibly would have never found you. It was the first time I regretted not approaching you in the school hallways when those monsters were bullying you. See, I was never the popular guy myself and I had to work pretty hard to get into the football team. If I had even said a word to them, my life would be over. I hate myself for being such a coward. And there will always be a guilty part of me that blames myself for this. If only I had stepped up then, you wouldn't be here.

I've seen kindness in you Lisa. Will you forgive this gutless jerk?


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