Chapter 15

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Erins POV-
"Baby, do you want a tea?" He whispered in my ear while wrapping his arms round my waist and squeezing me tightly! I nodded my head as he walked to the kettle singing "milk and no sugars" while he grabbed the mugs from the cupboard!

Erin's POV-
This weekend has gone so well and I never want it to end! Lily's back tomorrow morning and so it Daisy! So today Olly has promised me a special day and he said there is a surprise! I've told him so many times that I ante surprises but he always replies with "you will after this"!

-2hour later-
Erin's POV-
We are snuggling on the sofa catching up on Eastenders (which I secretly hate but I just watch it to please Olly)! Olly then told me to go and get changed, I walked into my bedroom and on my bed laid an off the shoulder black mini dress with a gold floral stitching across the top! The most beautiful thing I have ever seen, how does he know my size? And my style? He is the best boyfriend imaginable!

So I have spent the past hour getting changed and doing my make up and hair because Olly is taking me to another surprise location!

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