Chapter 02: A day of thinking.

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After dropping Adoo, Sean directly returned home.

It was almost dusk.

He made no noise, just calm and quiet; as he walked to his room, his mom offered him for food, but he just ignored.

Sean's dad was at dining table, he found Sean's behavior a bit weird.

"What's up with Sean, kid seems to be bit worried?" He inquired about it to Madonna (Sean's mom).

"I don't know exactly, but he was fine in morning then Adoo & Ash took him to Retiro" She apprised.

"Umm okay" He replied.

By that time Sean was in his room.

Half of the body told him 'Go take a nap, U need it', other half told 'LET YOUR EMOTIONS COME OUT'.

Fortunately he listened to second half.

He went near the window.

Closed his eye. Took Deep Breaths. Placed both hands on window. Tried to exhale hard his anxiety. FAILED.

Then he smacked the window in vexation and took few steps back leading towards his drawer to hunt his cigarettes.

He was out of his mind. How could he be okay? He was going to lose his childhood friends Adoo and Ash. They both were life to him.

Sean never smoked; he just took help of them when he was sunken in second-rated feelings.

He found his cigarettes and a lighter.

He took one from the box, tried to light the cigarette, he palpitated.

Finally he was successful in lighting it up.

Again he walked to window.

He inhaled it, the glow from other end matched the color of sunset, the sky casted orange gaze above the horizon, lighting up the sky into the fire. It seemed like sun looked at him with a dull glare.

The scenario resembled his situation.

Like, sun was given time to sine, it shined too; now it was his 'Farewell'.

This will repeat, everything was going to repeat.

Sun will sink; in a lazy manner but IT WILL SINK.

But then he will not stop. He will take his time. He will grow back. He will shine back. HE WILL SHINE BRIGHTER THAN BEFORE.

Sean put whatever remained of his cigarette in the ashtray on the table, and slowly walked to the cupboard, and put up his night suit.

He saw his phone beeped, he walked towards bed to look the notification on his cellphone.

It was a text message from Adoo.

That bloomed Sean's face up.

He tapped on the notification.

Adoo: Guuniteeee babeeee, Sweet dreams, and take care.

Sean literally blushed, and couldn't control his smile.

Sean: Adoo. Sweetheart. Love you my idiot. Goodnight.:)

Sean thought of texting Ash too.

Sean: Goodnight brother. Take care.

Sean kept his phone aside, jumped into his bed, and slept instantly in the given minute.

Spare Parts Of Two Hearts ❤ #Wattys16Where stories live. Discover now