Chapter 5

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Jon woke with a pillow being thrown at his face.

"Jon!" A voice, regrettably belonging to Brendon who had a fare need for revenge, yelled, "You lazy ass, get up. You've got some major sucking up to do."
He grumbled, and turned over, burying his eyes and ears into the pillow. The bed bounced under him as Brendon tried to force him awake.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He mumbled.


"Come back in four hours."

"Not a chance. You owe me."

"I owe nothing." And, okay. Maybe he did woe Brendon a good time for making them miss the bus, but definitely not at eight-thirty in the morning.

"Nope. You're taking me to see Notre Dame. Now. So get your ass up or I'll go get the cold water."

Cursing under his breath, he sulked out of bed, glaring at Brendon, and wishing he'd go see Notre Dame on his own.

Brendon beamed. "You go shower, I'll go get the tour brochures from downstairs."

After all, he'd already scoured the lobby for tourist brochures, but there was a chance there would be new ones this morning.

He skipped downstairs and over to the display racks. Nothing new since he last checked... twelve hours ago. He figured he shouldn't ask the front desk for the fifth time, even though he'd memorized how to ask them in French by now. So he made his way back to the room and plopped himself down on the sofa to wait for Jon.

He laughed when he heard sounds coming from the bathroom. Was Jon singing? No, he thought. He's rapping. Covering his mouth to stifle laughter, he crept up to the door to hear better. The words were too muffled by water to understand, but he could hear Jon's attempt at a beat behind them.

The water turned off, and Brendon scrambled back to the sofa.

Jon opened the door, in his jeans and t-shirt, hair wet and falling into his eyes. "Ready to go?"

"Whenever you are, M.C."


Notre Dame was bigger than he imagined. The cartoon did it no justice. Brendon's eyes were wide when they round the corner and first lay eyes on it. The building outside lined with spires and gargoyles. Statues and arches. His camera was working to find the angles, contrasts and contours of the building. He snapped a few of Jon, and made him take a few of himself as well.

The inside of the building was quiet, but felt bigger than the outside. That's something to say, considering how big it felt from the outside. He admired the stained glass windows and tall columns.

"Are we done sight seeing? I want to go back to sleep. You woke me up too early. I was up late, you know," Jon whined.

"Not a chance. Besides, you deserved it."

"Yeah. Right. Still gonna kill you for that. You're really annoying in the mornings."

Brendon stumbled back a few steps and gave Jon a wild look. "You can't touch me. I claim sanctuary!"

Jon rolls his eyes. "You were just waiting for the right time to say that, weren't you?"

Brendon grins. "Maybe."

They climb the stairs to the top of the bell tower, and Brendon names the bells.

"You know those probably aren't the real names of the bells, right?" Jon shakes his head.

"You would know. You're a regular Quasimoto."

Jon continues back down the stairs, calling back, "Only if you're the chick in the purple skirt."

He doesn't quite hear Brendon's response of, "At least I get a kick-ass goat!"

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