Bath Bombs

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Today you and Joe was going to the the lush store in Oxford Street. Apparently it was huge and was supposed to have bath bombs that you couldn't get anywhere else. You both made your way through the big crowd of people and entered the shop. There was so much to choose and you spent about 20 seconds just looking at the vibrant colours in the shop. You picked out your favourite bath bombs and bubble bars at first. Then you had a look at the shower gels and soaps. Joe was acting really silly the whole time which was making it hard for you to read the labels on the bath bombs. Once you had waited in the long queue you paid and left. You and Joe then went to a small cafe and had some coffee and chocolate. You searched through your bag and had a look at everything you brought...

Bath bombs:
Intergalactic, the experimenter, Sakura, sex bomb, frozen, golden egg, twilight, so white and ladybird.

Bubble bars:
A French kiss, karma, creamy candy, milky bath, blue skies and fluffy clouds, unicorn horn, the comforter and pink flamingo.

Shower gels:
Beautiful, happy hippy, rose jam, snow cake and dirty spring wash.

Honey I washed the kids, maypole, sultana of soap, parsley porridge, sea vegetable, sexy peel, sandstone, rock star and Miranda.

You went home and before you knew it it was 6:00. You decided it was time to have a bath and relax. You looked at all your lush items and picked intergalactic. You dropped it in the bath and the colour started to spread. Eventually it created a galaxy which looked really cool so you told Joe." Joe come look at this!" You shouted. He came up the stairs and looked in the bath.

"Wow!! That a lot of blue. Make sure that you don't turn into a smurf when you get out of there!!" He laughed.

"It looks beautiful" you smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you" Joe complimented. You had your relaxing bath and got out and snuggled with Joe.

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now