Jaspar And Zalfie

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You woke up early in the morning because Caspar came rushing in yours and joes room." Hey get out I've only got boxers on and Y/N's only in her bra and knickers!" Joe yelled.

"Oh soz I didn't realise!" Caspar apologised. Your phone went off." Hey whose that?" Caspar asked.

"It's Zoe she wants to know if we all want to go round hers today" you said.

"I'm up for it" Joe admitted. Caspar also wanted to go.

"Let's go round there at 5:00pm" you confirmed. You fell back asleep once Caspar had left and you woke up and 10:00am. You decided that you had enough sleep so you got up and Joe was awake anyway so you didn't need to wake him up. You had a proper English breakfast and then quickly went shopping for some umm.. supplies. When you came back you looked at the time and it was 3:30pm. It takes 1 and a half hours to get to the Zalfie Household so you, Caspar and Joe all got in the car and started driving. Caspar was driving which meant you had control of the radio. You put let it go on to make Joe annoyed as he hates frozen.

You finally got there after a long car journey and said hello to Zoe and Alfie. Nala (alan) came rushing up to as soon as you walked through the door. You played games with her for a while and taught her some tricks. " Hey y/n do you want to look at my new beauty products?" Zoe asked you.

"Of course I'm so excited!" You said walking up the stairs with Zoe. You got to Zoe's office and she showed you all of her new products such as a body mist, a bag and some bath salts. They all smelt amazing and somehow you ended up having a long chat in Zoe's office.

"Hey do you wanna watch a scary movie?" Alfie asked.

"Okay" you replied.

"Wait which one are you watching?" Zoe asked curiously.

"The conjuring" Alfie said." Don't worry I'll be right next to you" Alfie reassured.

"Okay but if I get scared then I'm coming up here" Zoe confirmed. We went downstairs and Joe had already put the film on. Zoe sat next to Alfie and I was in the middle of Joe and Caspar. We had a blanket so if there was a jump scare I could easily pull the blanket up. The doll appeared and you bearded your head in joes chest. He stroked your hair to reassure you that you was okay.

"Hey get off Joe he's mine!" Caspar joked.

"I knew jaspar was real!!" You said. You watched the rest of the film and kept close to Joe. Eventually the film ended and you all decided it would be a good time to go to bed as you were all very tired. You brushed your teeth, took your make up off and got in bed with Joe.


You woke up in joes arms (as usual). You got up and got dressed. You woke Joe up to because you had to get back to London for meetings. Zoe always gets up early so she was downstairs. You packed everything up and went to the other guest room where Caspar was. You woke him up too. You and Joe went downstairs to say goodbye before you left." Thanks for letting us stay Zo" you smiled.

"That's okay, anytime" she replied. Caspar came downstairs and said goodbye too. You got in the car and went home.

I really like this one has it has a horror movie involved and I loooovvveeee horror movies!! I'm getting closer to 1k which really excites me!! I hope u enjoyed it bye!!

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