Youtube Eyed Girl

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After about 26 youtubers walk in my huge house I stand on my kitchen table "HI!if I could have you guys listen!" Everyone looked at me

"I'm diamond! And so. Today for the video I posted for everyone to tweet us 'Never Have I Evers' You might've gotten tagged. I'm sorry for the spam. But we're all gonna do pretty much a challenge I thought of. And well. We're gonna have 10 fingers up. If you have you put a finger down. The person who has no fingers left loses and we all tweet off the losers Twitter and smash them in the face with pie or cake!!" I say out of breath. The all nod and I lead them out to the back.

•1 Hour Later•

After we all exchanged numbers if we wanted to do anymore collabs and it was just me and Cam. Finally. I change to sweats, cams hoodie and put my hair in a messy bun. Sexy right? Yup. I walk out the bathroom to cam laying on the bed tucked in already. "What movie?" I ask plopping down beside him. "Um why don't we watch 'The Chosen'?" He asks "sure. But warning I'm not good with scary movies." I say.

"That's okay. I'm here" he says kissing my temple. I feel my face go hot. My smile goes from ear to ear. What effect Mr.Dallas has on me.

It's 11:00 at night and me and cam are still watching movies, we decide to do a 'Meet My Girlfriend' video, I get changed into some leggings, and a black and white Adidas top. I throw on some mascara, foundation, and concealer. Not caked on. Your very welcome cam. And go to my bed. We're sitting on my bed, doing a video on my bed. "Hold on! Let me at least make my bed." I say and smile cam just stands there I I make it look decent.  "Okay. We Gucci!" I say and chuckle.

•Half An Hour Later•

After the video it's around 11:30 and I get dressed into a crop top, no makeup, and short shorts. And we go to bed after a couple episodes of family guy.

•Cameron's POV•

I wake up, alone. I hear Diamonds voice. Downstairs? I walk down and see her with 3 girls, Lenette, Roxie, and Michelle. With 3 guys, look familiar. Weird. "Hey babe!" Di says kissing my cheek. "Hey!" I say back, "oh, this is Kian, JC, and Sam, you should know them!" She says so cheerful " yeah, of coarse I do!"

Hey guys! Sorry. I know it's shorter then usual. Welp. Thanks for reading!!

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