Blue Eyed Girl

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•3 Hours Later•
•Michelle's POV•

After a few hours with Diamond I get a text from Sam.

Hey! Di hasn't texted me in a while. Is everything okay!?

If only he was there. Me and Len didn't even know what was going on!

Yea. If u come over I'll explain. She's not too good.

Seeing my life-long friend lying there with her forearm cut up. It was like a nightmare come true for me. I couldn't believe it.

Okay. Im on my way

I walk from my room across the hall to the bathroom. And I comb my long wavy blonde hair into a messy bun. I put on makeup. A basic natural look. It's just Sam. I get changed into my jean shorts with a Tiffany blue Muscle shirt that said 'Live Long, Die young' I like it. Sam gets here within 5 minutes.

"Hey Michelle!" Sam says and hugs me. I walk up with him to my room and tell him everything. "All this happened yesterday!?" Sam says shocked at what Di did. But Sam had a light in his eye. More then usual. "Mic?" Sam says looking at my clear blue eyes. And a new nic name. I like it. "Yeah Sam? What's up?" I say meeting his gaze. "I-I like you. I like you a lot. I think your gorgeous and beautiful." Sam says nervously not knowing what my response will be. "Sam. I-I. I love you too." I say and hug him.

Is it true? Sam Pottorff. With a girl like me?

"So. Wanna go see Di?" Sam asks. "Yes. Let's go!"

We get to hospital and see Di, Cam was there. She's awake. But talking to cam. Sam runs up and hugs her "hi Di!" He says "hi Sam!" She says back only hugging him with her right arm. Poor girl.

•3 Hours Later•

Me and Sam go back to the house. We sat on the couch. In silence. Till I broke the silence.

"I still can't believe she did this. We've known each other since we were 5." I say looking at Sam.

"I know. But I also know she's strong. She'll get through it. Don't worry Michelle. I mean. She beat cancer. She's still alive. She's still here. And we're getting rid of that lock on her door."  Sam says. I laugh at his last statement. "Alright. Let's get rid of it." I say and we head upstairs

After We get rid of the lock. We decide to penny board to the ice cream place near by. "Hi can I get a chocolate expresso cone?" I say. "And could I get a vanilla mint with chocolate sauce?" Sam says I pay and we sit down. "You know what's funny?" Sam says "what's funny?" I say back. "I've watched you on YouTube for years on YouTube. And you watched me. And now. We're friends. Probably more." Sam says. He's so right.

After our ice cream me and Sam penny back side by side. He grabs my hand. And someone asks us to stop. "Excuse me. Hi I'm a photographer. Could I get a picture of you side by side?just what you were doing before." He says. "Yeah. Sure!" I say me and Sam do what we were doing. And we basically have a mini photo shoot. "Can I have your business card. Cause I like these." I say looking at some pictures. "Of coarse." He says pulling it out of his wallet.

"Thank you. We better get going." I say and give him my email to mail them to me.

We go back to the house. Cam was here. So was Kian, JC, Ricky, Len and Roxie. "Hey!" Me and Sam say walking in. "Oh. Hey there." Kian says. "I'm so Len, Andrea is on her way cause me and her is doing a vid." I say. Kian's face dropped. WHY DOES HE DO THAT WHENEVER WE SAY ANDREA!?!

She nods. Kian looked kinda mad. Why!? I'm not sure. But all I care about right now is Diamond gets out tomorrow. I'm excited! My Di back here! I love her to much. She's like my sister. When she got kicked out of her house my parents took her in. And we were sisters. She's my world. "Mic! My little Blue Eyed Girl. I love you." He says to me. I like that.

Blue Eyed Girl

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This was Michelle's view this whole chapter. I love loved this chapter. Hope you guys did too!!

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