Its a...

30 3 3

"Mrs.Elliot, it's time for your surgery. Everyone has to leave" the nurse said. Cam pecked my lips and left. Anne hugged me and kissed my forehead. skate hugged me and kissed my forehead as well.

The drugs slowly made my eyes drop. I fell asleep over a drug. Wow.

~Dream land~
a little boy that's like a mini cam just with my eyes. We had a family. I loved it. I was so happy there. A boy and a girl. Lucas and Liana.(lay-on-uh) I was making breakfast when one 8year old and one 4year old came chasing after one another by my feet. I laughed and cam came up behind me "hi kiddos! Lucas get ready for school!" Cam said and Lucas went to get changed. "My baby girl! Ready to have some fun today!?" I say picking her up. "Yay! Fun fun fun!" She said clapping her hands. "Alright baby. Daddy help liana get dressed?" I say. He nods and brings her to her room.

I woke up. "Mrs.Elliot. Would you like to say goodbye to your son?" The nurse asked. I nod and hold my baby for the last time. "Goodbye Lucas. Mommy loves you!" I say crying. A baby flutters his eyes. "You monster!!" I yell.

I wake up screaming. "Baby what's wrong!?" Cam says rubbing my back. "It's gonna be a boy. We're having a baby boy. And a few years after we're having a baby girl!" I say. "What?" He asks me. I told him about my dream flustered on what just happened. I googled what I had just had. It was a 'baby dream' pregnant woman often get it. I sigh with relief. And go back to bed.

_3 months later (6months.)_

I wake up to my belly a bit bigger. "Today we'll find out for sure." I say grabbing my purse and waddling out with cam. I remembered the dream I have had. "I still say it's a girl" cam says grabbing my hand. "Boy. My mother instinct says" I say. He laughs and kisses my hand.


"Mrs.Elliot?" The doctor called, me and cam walk with her. She walks us into a room and sits down. "So. You would like to know the gender?" She asks. We nod replying with a yes. "Okay. Here we go!" She says squirting the cold gel onto my baby belly. She moved the thing around and found it.

"Well it's a.."


GOT YA!!!! OMFG!!!! Comment Lucas or liana. Liana saying girl Lucas saying boy!!! And go follow DallasBabe4Ever she helps with most decisions in books!!

Okayanbdvshskaknsb BAIIIII!!!

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