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"Is she going back to London? Her hometown?"

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"Is she going back to London? Her hometown?"

"No Severus."

"What do you mean 'no?' No first years are allowed to stay in Hogwarts."

"No, she's staying in Malfor Manor. She can't leave magical boundaries, and she won't be able to leave Hogwarts after her third year."

"How do you expect her to stay at Malfoy Manor? And Lucius, did you hear what you just said?'She can't leave magical boundaries. She won't be able to leave Hogwarts after her third year.' Didn't she live in London her whole life?"

"Minerva, she's is the only way to convince her, besides, that's her task after all. And what I mean is, her memories of London are made up. She died in Hogwarts, she stays in Hogwarts. Honestly Severus, I thought you were smart enough to catch up."

There was short silence.

"How are you sure that this'll work Lucius?"

"I have my ways."

I woke up with once again, cold sweat running down my forehead.

McGonagall? London? Her whole life?

Were they talking about me?

I was already dead?

My thought came running back to my head until I finally found sleep again.


Aside from the dream, the school year had ended quite uneventfully, and by uneventfully I mean Voldemort turned out to be Professor Quirell's back-head. Harry, Hermione, Ron going out to defeat him earning the Gryffindors-us more house points to win the house cup.

Pretty interesting huh?

Not for me.

My first friends, Harry, Hermione, Ron didn't trust me enough to let me join their group, Draco, hasn't talked to me much after the detention mess, just smiles in the corridor and quick glances. Luna and Daph were too prideful to say sorry to each other.

Cedric on the other hand, wait.


I almost forgot! With Cedric's help, I got in as the Seeker of Gryffindor's Quidditch team! I have no idea how to repay Ced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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