Dead and hurt

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Chapter 18

2weeks later!

Nialls POV;

Everyone's been let out apart from Maisie and Lilly who arnt even out of there deep sleep yet. Today at 9 at night we all have to go home so that they can run some tests again and they can tell us what's wrong with them. Lilly and Lucy have become good friends with Nadine they are all here happy. Louis isn't here he is with Maisie. Liam is too, Zayns not here i thought that was a little strange but ya know. I looked over at Jade and smiled she looked so beautiful her brown long wavy hair flowing down by her side and her eyes where more brown now and darker. Her face so pale and her lips bright red. I stroked her cheek and bent down and kissed her.


Louis and Liam walked i. And smiled and sat down.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

I jumped out of my seat and ran over to her she didnt look comfortable anymore she was having a fit. I saw Louis run out of the room and scream for a docter or nurse i dropped to my knees and cried.

The docter grabbed me and I screamed and kicked him like a three year old.

"JADE NO JADE DONT LEAVE ME. LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD I LOVE HER SJE CARNT DIE LET GO OF ME" Iscreamed and kicked him a little more. He dropped me outsode the door and went back inside with two other nurses. They locked the door and did the blinds. I sat there my head in my hands shakin terriblie. Nadine, Lucy and Lilly ran towards me and lilly turned towards Liam and asked what's happened.

"Jade is dieing in there her heart monitor well.."

She ran towards the bathroom with Nadine and Lucy at her heel."

"I feel so sorry for her right now" i said in my thoughts.

"So do we mate" Louis replied wait did i just sha that out loud?

Nadines POV;

I chased after Lilly with Lucy at my heels. God did she annoy me lucy not Lilly.

"Hey lils"

"It's okay"

"It's not she could be dieing in there and im not there to help her or hold her hand." Lilly fell back and wacked her head on the sink and it cracked open and blood started pooring out i screamed and ran out of the girls room i hated blood!!!! right well i have to face my fears amd get along with life. I walked and felt something hit my cheek i crashed down and i hit my head and everything went black.


Who do you think it was? Is this anygood?

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