Dinner time For The Beast

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I was yanked by the collar of my shirt.

"AAKK!!! ", I choked the sound in my throat.

My ass took the empact as I was forced into my pathtic tent, it was like landing on an uninflated moonwalk. It folded around my body like a cool, wet blanket.

The air was forced from my lungs in a deep huff, my back ached from the smallest of movement and arms felt dead at my sides.

" Lilith! ", I hear Sarah scream my name. She made it next me trying to get me to stand, to even respond but I just lay there.

Breathless to stare at the dark sky and cold air on my shoulders.

I hear ringing, louder than a church bell at a Sunday funeral.
" AAAHHHHH!!! ", The scream was almost mechanical to me.

" HOLY SHIT!!! ", I hear Jacks voice add into the mix of rings and carnage of sound.

Before Im allowed to see what's happening I feel hands on me, they were wet and cold. I caught a glimpse of their face. A shadow more like." W-who...?? ", I barely gasp the voice out of myself to register sound.

I see a flash from the corner of my eye.

Where's Sarah?
" S-s...Sar-r-r-!!!", I see...the purple hood.

I try to force air in and choke on the poison over and over it flipped in my throat like a coin in midair.

It was tied around her waste in a double knot. She was always caughtious not to loose things.
"Im going to get you out of here! ", the voice belonged to the one who carried me, she was female.

I feel cold metal sting against my back, their fingers were hard and spread to handle my weight.

I saw the face.
The face of the person or thing!
It was made of metal!
A golden face carved of metal!!

I try to fight them but my attempt is useless, they have a firm hold on me and don't stop running.
"Octus I saved one of the humans!", I hear her speak again!

The lips dont move, instead they remain stiff as a statue. There must be a person in it then...?
At least I hoped it was a person!

Finally we stopped. She blinded me with a light from her forehead as she sat me down.

I forced distance, from the looks of the secluded swamp areas we were in, it looked as if we had to much of it from the camp sight.

"Are you injured?! ", she went around me hovering! Scanning me maybe with her light. I wouldn't let her have the chance to get the jump on me.

I made sure to keep my eyes on her, though I'm sure I looked like a freak, jumping around like I did with grimaced and winces's.
"Are you hurt? ", she lowered her voice for the second question.

Honestly I felt less pain when standing. I didn't want to answer her, she might be some...something else!
I don't know what to call her...a robot?

" Can. You. Speak. English? ", she was talking down to me now!

" Of course I can speak! ", I blurted the words out with more force then intended.

" What are you? ", my breath was back obviously.

She was taken back by me speaking as she moved an inch back in her hover over the mud as expression." What's going on? "

" I'm here to help, my friend Octus is containing the threat. ", she sounded confident.

" What about my friends? ", I took a step in demand, I wanted to know if they were okay.

They had to be.
Sarah must have been knocked unconscious or something...

" Your friends? ", again she sounded taken off guard by what I wanted to know and had to say
" The other...humans? "

Why does she keep saying 'humans? '," Yes! ", I urge her.

If she could communicate with that Octus guy again then she could find out about them!

" Y-your the only one... ", she says with her voice trailing.

Only one...?

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