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( sorry guys that I haven't been updating that much, I've just been really busy. So here we go)

Hunter and I were walking down to Starbucks to get something to drink, Hunter and I start crossing to road then I black out.

I wake up in a hospital bed, I look around and I see this random boy sitting in a chair a few feet away. "W-who are y-you?" you ask really weakly, the boy looks up and he has red puffy eyes. "M-my name is H-Hunter" the boy says, next thing I know a doctor walks in.

"Y/n, you have short term memory loss, so you may not remember things now but you should remember them sooner or later" the doctor said to you.

Hunter's POV

Y/n had to go to the hospital because I failed to save her from that idiot. I broke my promise, the one we made when we first started dating. 


"will you go out with me?" I asked the girl of my dreams y/n, "yes" she said and jumped up in joy. "But you have to promise me one thing?" she asked me, "anything for my princess", she blushed "promise me you won't anything happen to me" she said, "I promise" I say back

End of Flashback

I'm sitting in the room y/n is in, and she finally wakes up "W-who are y-you?" she asked, I was already crying when she asked me this, I look up at her. "M-my name is H-Hunter" I say holding back more tears. A few minutes later a doctor walk in. "Y/n, you have short term memory loss, so you may not remember things now but you should remember them sooner or later" the doctor told her.

Y/n's POV

After the doctor told me that, he left the room. I look at the boy named Hunter, and he is looking down again. "I hope to remember you soon" I say, "I do too" he says. I got released a few days later, I still don't have my memories of Hunter, but I wish I did.

Hunter and I were hanging out at his house, when he started tickling me. After a while of tickling me he stops, then looks into my eyes then down to my lips, then back up to my eyes. Next thing I know are lips a connected and all the memories start flooding back. Hunter and I were dating when I got hit by a car.

We both pull away and I smile. "what?" Hunter asks me. "I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!!!" I say in excitement, then start jumping around. I stop jumping around then turn back to Hunter, he is now crying. "why are you crying?" I ask him, "I broke our promise, I was supposed to protect you from getting hurt, but fail. I'm sorry" He says. "It's okay" I tell him then run over and hug and kiss him.

"I love you Hunter!", "I love you too Y/N"

( I hope you guys like it)

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