
182 22 13

01. fools

written: may 11 two thousand 16
posted: may 18 two thousand 16

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"Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

i know it's crazy and i know it's dumb but i would follow that boy to the depths of hell if that's where he were to travel. i'm the smitten girl, the infatuated girl, but god damn you would be too if you knew him.
i know he doesn't know what to do and i know he's stuck but i would love to help him become un-stuck. he's the confused boy, the indecisive boy, but you would be too if you were him.

"O! I am Fortune's fool."

if destiny and fate were something i believed in i'd say they are paying me a visit. it's murphy's law. it's the universe trying to screw me over. i'm just trying to fit my soul with his, but this invisible force, this godforsaken entity, won't let me. everything perfect is so out of reach. everything i dream of seems so far fetched. i'm not sorry to say i won't stop fighting. this battle seems never-ending, but i will end it and i will win. he will be mine.

"Only fools fall for you."

it's been me and one other girl that have seen your beauty: and what do we both have in common? foolishness. you're emotionally detached but you want to feel things. you do, i see it. we're foolish because we honest to god thought claiming your heart would be easy. 

the difference between me and her is she left when you told her no. you've told me no but i refuse to give up. i won't leave. i'll fight for you even if it takes me years. i want your hand in mine, or even your arm around my shoulders in a friendly fashion - i do not care. i just want you near me. 

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quote 3: TROYE SIVAN

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