chapter 5

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Last time aka chapter

she is gone no one knows where she is she might have moved to a different room cause her information hasn't been found either. I walked miles to get back to my real home

~~Y/N POV~~
I thought of the first time me and sebastian and ciel met each other
I was a lonely girl waking the streets cause my family is all gone they where murdered but I was at the store getting everyone food that was the worst day ever I sat their holding their dead bodies in my arms and cried after I finished crying I started to leave my house to find someone or something I couldn't go back to my house so when it got dark I just sat in a box in a dark alleyway I cried and cried think of the good times with my family until I heard a voice coming closer and closers until someone looked in the box I started at the person with a scared expression on my face until I heard another voice and I saw someone else he seems more nice than the other person the second person picked me up (A/n you are only like 5 if you want to be younger or older go a head)and looked me in the eyes he had red eyes that I could just get lost in until the other person speaker up " sebastian put that child down she is filthy."I looked to the person who said it and pouted 'it's not my fault in filthy' I started at the man holding me and was about to cry again until he spoke up " can we keep her it looks little she has been through a lot young master" I started at the boy with a huge smile on my face shaking my head up and down. He gave out a sigh and nodded yes I was was some happy that someone took me in. After a few seconds of walking around we went to my new home when I saw it my jaw dropped the house was so big than any other I have been in. When we got inside I ran around the room looking round until I tripped and fell face first on the floor it really didn't hurt that much so I got up and walked back to where the two men were they just started at me with shocked face I looked at myself and saw my dress was dirty so I brushed all of the dust off and looked at them they still had shocked faces but I just brushed it ok and started to walk until I said
" w-where a-am I s-staying" they finally got out of their shock face and the one man smiled and walked up to me "I will show you your room and get you cleaned up" He smiled and started to walk away before I followed him I walk to the other man and asked him a question " what is your name?also thank you for letting me stay my name is Y/n L/n " I gave him a big smile and waited for an answer "my name is ciel and your welcome to stay here as long as you want."I smiled and waved and ran to the other man ask we walk it was every silence so I decided to break the silence "what is your name you probably already know my name if not I will say it again my name is Y/n L/n." I smiled big at him while he stared down at me with a smile on his face "my name is sebastian nice to meet you" I looked at him and smiled and we kept walking to my new room once we got their he opened the door and let me in he ask if I wanted a bath I said yes and he went to the bathroom to start the bath water I looked around my room and started to walk to the bathroom he was standing their waiting for the water to be warm I looked around "where do you keep the bath toys don't you have a least one" I said as I looked around for some he started at me with confusion I stared back at him thinking why doesn't he have this. I just started at him until I started to walk away looking for some materials to make a toy but there was nothing! When I walk back to the tall mister I see him doing something once he was done he turned around and showed me a soap bar shaped into a little doll I grabbed it and looked at him " this will do mister" I smiled. Once I was done my bath and now laying in my bed and my little self fell asleep.
~~Flashback ended~~
Once I was out of the shower I looked at the time it was 5 in the morning I sighed and got dressed and walked down stairs.
^^levi pov^^
I called shitty glasses waiting for her to pick it up. She finally picks up on the forth ring but it was quite on the other line though until I heard someone start to talk " levi what do you want just leave me alone you hurt my friend and she no where to be found." I was shocked that she already knew and with that she hung up on me I was mad that she didn't tell me sooner. I walked over to the couch and sat down staring at the floor and looking at the door hoping that a beautiful h/c woman that I fell in love with that I stared at the door some more waiting for her to walk in any moment but it never happened 'why did I have to do that I was so selfish' I started to cry my eyes out once again 'I will get her back with me soon I just need to find out where she is' with that I walked up stairs to the roomost we used to share and got ready to go to bed. When I layed down on my bed I started at the ceiling thinking of the good times we had before I screwed it all up.

I think it was long right? Oh well I want to thank you all for the votes and the readers so yep bye my clean freaks

Levi: i will see you in your dreams *wink*

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