chapter 8

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Y/n pov
'Tomorrow is the ball' thought I sigh and got up to go eat dinner with the guys. Right when I was about to open the door their was a knock I opened it to see sebastian.

"Hey sebastian what do you need I was just about to go eat dinner " I said smiling " oh well I was...... yeah just coming to tell you that dinner was done." Sebastian said blushing I laughed "Hey kitty lover can I have a piggyback ride."I said laughing he looked at my and smiled "yes my little piggy." He started to laugh "that is not fun I'm not a piggy I'm a piglet." I pouted and started to laugh.

I jumped on sebastians back and he started to walk to the dinning room "hey n/not would y-you l-like ummm." Sebastian starts to talk "what is it kitten lover." I smiled at him " would you like to go to the ball with me." He said blushing a dark red I couldn't help but blush too. " I would love too sebastian." I looked at him and hugged the back of his head he giggles and he started to run to the dinning room.

Once we got to the dinning room he took me of his back and pulled out my chair for me.

**time skipped cause to lazy to write about dinner.**

I was walking up to my room until I got flatten by some heavy person" help help 911 someone is really heavy and is on top of me Killing me." The person got of it turn to see hanji laughing "hanji what are you doing and why are you so heavy!?." She started at me and burst out laughing again.

Once she calmed down we walk to my room "so why you here." I asked giving her a confused look. " one so I can get ready with you for the ball tomorrow and second cause I can keep an eye out for levi." She smiled at me then started to act like a spy jumping and flipping around I giggled. " Ok Ok tell me you found a date at least right." I looked at her she started at me and thought for awhile

*few hours later*

I sat their waiting for her to answer it was already 11 "hanji I'm -." " I do I do have a date his name is Erwin you are going to love him he is awesome." I sighed "it took you that long just to say that really hanji." she giggled when I said that I sigh and looked at the time 'its already 12!?' I sighed once more and closed your eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

** le time skipped once more by reader-Chan sleeping**

I woke up to some one jumping on me multiply times I sat up and the person who Is probably hanji fell on the floor " hanji why are you up so early."I yawned she just laughed like a manic " y/n you know its already 2 in the after noon." she said holding her stomach to clam her laughter. I jumped right out of bed ' the balls starts in a hour and I have to get everything ready still.' I looked at hanji " why didn't you wake me up sooner." I sighed not even caring I ran to the bathroom took the most quickies shower and got dressed. I saw that hanji was already ready I asked her if she could do my make up and hair and she accepted.

--few minutes later--

I was already and just in time hanji and I started to head down stairs to the ball room. it was gorgeous it was black and white with a little bit of blue I smiled and walked up to the stereo and plug in my phone I put hanji's favorite song crazy = genius by patd! I grabbed her arm and started to dance until we heard someone clear their voice we look over to see Sebastian standing there I smiled " is any of are guest her yet." he nod his head and moved out of the way I saw a big man with two calipillitures on his fore head I couldn't help but giggle

I look at hanji to see she was gone " Erwin you came I'm so happy to see you how are you." I look over to see that she was standing right next to him I started to walk until I saw two other people but they walked into the other room I shrugged and walked to Sebastian" hey kitten lover can I have a piggy back ride again." I smiled big " my lady you cant you are in a dress but I will put you on one of my shoulders" he smiled back and lift me up I looked down a hanji " hey hanji who is the taller one now hehehe." she looked up and smiled " you wont forever be taller than me." I sighed ' she has a smart mouth sometimes' " oh yea wel-." I looked at the door and saw Levi and his slut called Petra just came into the room I sat on Sebastian shoulder utterly shocked

Sebastian cleared his voice" hello I hope you enjoy the ball when it actually starts." he glared a Levi I sighed " Sebastian can you put me down please im pretty sure that the other guest will be coming soon." once I was down me and him walked to the front door greeting the guest.

--Levi pov--

I walked into the big mansion with Petra and eyebrows. he went into a different room and me and Petra went into a different room which turned out to be a library I walk to the shelf and swipe my finger across it and saw no dust nothing ' this person who cleans is really do at it' I thought. I was looking around more until I heard talking and giggling I walked out the library to a different room once I walked in I saw shitty glasses and eyebrows and then I saw her on top of that fuck asshole she was shocked to see me for sure

. Surely because I was with Petra. then the man I think his name was Sebastian said he hope I enjoy when the ball actually starts and glared at me I smirked if only looks could kill the y/n asked him to put her down and they both walked out together. I sighed ' im never going to get her back will I.' I look up to see shitty glasses shooting glares at me I could tell she was going to keep y/n away from me but she cant stopped me I told my self that I was going to y/n no matter what even if it means getting hurt.

ta da how was that im proud of this chapter and im still in the progress if she goes back to Levi what do you guys think tell me in the comments and if you read and you don't comment you should anyway bye bye clean freaks and keep voting

Levi: you better says yes your I will come after you

Author: don't have to be so evil god don't mind him but for now see ya

Levi: whatever bye for now y/n see you soon

1245 words

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