01 ; summer's death

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The warmth she had been with for 3 months was slowly fading as the lively leaves fell into death, and came back dryly with orange color that replaced the fluorescent green - Summer had come to its end and Autumn was on its way.

Today, the final day of summer's vacation before coming back to school. Although it was the last day, she spent the day in the public park reading books - spending the day like she would to any other day since it wasn't anything special.

The boiling heat wasn't felt in the air anymore, instead it had gone into a breezy warmth that fitted well with the air.

The 3 months vacation that flew away was not spent nicely, she didn't even remember anything memorable that she did this summer. All she did was helping her mom with buying groceries and that was it.

Vacation or not, nothing changed. The only good thing about this holiday was that she was able to finally breathe in air after having stressful days and works from school. And now, school will be back and she just hopes it won't be as tough as before.

Going back to school tomorrow, there might be new students or same ones. If that even happens, she'll still have no friends.

She does not talk much, she's quiet. This is probably why no one would waste their ass off to even get to know about her. She had no friends ever since she came in here which was 3 years ago, it was not like no one approached her, she just didn't want to approach back. Having no friends doesn't mean she's disliked. The school just don't want to acknowledge her existence and that's what she wants. She doesn't give a damn about other people's life anyway.

She had been in this public park for around 2 hours already, she let out a sigh in relievement as she noticed she had finished reading.

She got up, seeing people spending the last of summer with smiles and enjoyment which she didn't realise since all her mind was on her book earlier.

She started walking to her home. The path of the park to her home was not far, it only took 7 minutes.

She went inside without knocking the door, only to be greeted with her mom's voice calling her name aloud.


It's a habit of Jennie to go outside without leaving any information.

"You're back. Where were you?" Her mom calmed down after seeing her.

"Was out for some fresh air." she replied simply as she walked upstairs to go to her room.

As she walked past her mother, her mom was about to give her lists of grocery to buy in the market nearby but seeing her daughter with tiredness written on her face, she refused and had gone alone.


Silence was all over the room, the one making noise was only the airconditioner's breeze which calmed the atmosphere.

The clock showed 7:23 p.m, her mom had gone to the market around 5. Normally, it would only take an hour or half but it's already been 2 hours after she went.

She called twice. And her mom didn't reply.

Jennie thought her mom was maybe out of battery but with worries starting to eat her, she was out from waiting.

She took her jacket that was laying in the desk and went outside to go to the market.

After minutes had passed, she arrived. She was going to go inside but a bag of groceries scattered down on the floor caught her attention. It caught her attention more when a grocery list was also there. She picked it up, recognising the handwriting. It's her mom's but what is it doing here and where is she? Why is it tossed on the ground?

Her worry didn't go away but she decided to go home, trying to call her mom again.

'Pick up..' her mind has been saying for million times.

She facepalmed after she tried calling her several times. 'Where could she possibly be?'

The phone that laid down on the desk buzzed. With her mom's name on the screen, she picked it up quickly without hesitating.

"Mom, why did you leave the things that you bought and where are you?" She asked, trying to sound calm.

But few seconds passed, and all that was replied was silence.

"Mom?" she called again.

"Who is this?"

There, a reply. But a guy's.

"And why is a guy with you?" she asked with curiosity attacking her more.

"Um, your mom is kidnapped." the deep voice again surrounded her ears.

But what is it that she's hearing? Her mom? Kidnapped?

"Where is she?" she held her breath, trying to stop herself from panicking.

"I've no idea, but what I only know is that my dad's workers just left her phone in my house and brought her to somewhere I don't know."

She's full of questions now. Blank, she doesn't even know what to say. Who is this guy? And did he say that who kidnapped her mom was his father's workers? Does that mean his dad was the one who planned to kidnap her mom? What?

"What is happening?" she asked, running her hands through her hair roughly.

She could hear the guy sighing, "Girl, listen, your mom is kidnapped and I don't know where the hell she is. I'm not in any of this but my dad is," He paused. "And I believe it's because she didn't pay her 990,000 dollar debt on time. Hope this clears everything."

"I'm Lee Taeyong, by the way."

And with that, the line went dead.

Jennie wondered why the guy even bother to introduce himself, if his intention was for her to report the police, she could.

After all that had been cleared by the guy on why her mom was kidnapped, she doesn't know what she can do to support herself for maybe... awhile.

But how?

She has to pay the debt of her mom to let her go. But her bank account is not even close to a million, maybe only up to 500 dollars.

The anxiety and anger had eaten her. Why did her mom hold her secrets to herself when it could affect the goddamn family? How can she live now?

She had no other siblings and never knew her own father, her mother was her only guardian and the fact that she's now gone brought her mind to insanity.

Her mom was always away anyway. She'll be able to live. After days, she'll get used to it. She's sure of that.

Right now, she doesn't know what to feel. Although she wanted to cry, she had cried mentally. 


ty for reading the 1st chapter! hv a great day!!

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