Niam: Always Be Together

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I know this is from my bromance one shots but I just wanted to post something until someone leaves me a prompt. Please. For now, enjoy.
(A/N: Listen to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri)

Niall's P.O.V

The cool wind blew my face as I walked through the grass field. The tall grass flowed in the breeze while the sun peeked out from the clouds in the sky.

I walked through the grass where we had our first date. I remember our first date. He surprised me by taking me here. Ever since that day, this was our spot to get away. I love it here. It's so quiet and peaceful. I know this place is really special to Liam, that's why I put him here. I know he would appreciate it.

I clutched the picture of Liam and me in my right hand and a flower in the other. This was the picture that was sitting on our nightstand. I figured he would want it near him tonight. He always said that this was his favorite picture of us.

A picture of Liam and me cuddling on the couch, which was taken by Harry, showed from behind the glass.

I thought about all of the things that I would miss about him.

"I miss cuddling with you. I love curling about into your muscular chest and hearing your heartbeat against me ear. I loved how you would wrap your arm around my waist, it made me feel safe. I knew nothing could hurt me as long as you were there to protect me. I miss the strong smell of your cologne that lingered on your clothes. I miss resting my head in the crook of your neck and falling asleep to you singing. I love your voice, Liam.
And last but not least, I miss you, Li.
I will never ever forget you. You will always be in my heart." I mumbled to myself.

Birds fluttered in the sky above and the smell of the country side filled my nose. I breathed in the familiar smell and memories of the two of us filled my mind.
My legs slowly carried me to Liam's grave. I stood in front of the stone and collapsed to my knees. I dropped the flower and frame and sobbed into my hands. "L-Liam," I whimpered looking at the stone. I wiped my tears and stood up again. I picked up the picture and placed it against Liam's gravestone.
I pulled out the crumpled piece of paper from my jean pocket and read it out loud.

"Dearest Liam,

I don't know how I was so lucky to meet someone like you. You were the light of my life and I want to thank you for making living on this Earth worth it because without you I wouldn't be here.

I don't know why it had to be you, Li. I don't understand why God took you away from me. I really need you.

You used to tell me I was beautiful but nobody can ever be as beautiful as you, Liam Payne.

I remember how insecure you were, you would always tell me I was lying when I told you that you were perfect. You are perfect Liam.

You would always try to cover yourself up when we went to the pool. You hated going shirtless and I don't know why. You tried to hide your flaws but Liam Payne, you are perfect in my eyes. Don't forget that.

I miss you already Liam. I miss your brown eyes that would always make me melt inside. I miss the crinkles by your eyes when you smiled. I miss you.

I know my time will come and I'll get to see you again. I know you are watching over me from heaven. I promise Liam, I will see you very soon."

I swallowed, a lump in my throat forming as I looked up from the paper. I stared at the sun setting behind the trees. Everyday a new sun will rise but it won't be the same, there is no more sunshine in my world.

I finished off my letter.

"When I say soon I am not kidding. We will be together for eternity once I leave this earth.

Before the sun sets, and as you leave me today I want you to know how grateful I am. I am grateful that you were here in my life and I want you to know that I will be joining you shortly. I will see you soon, Liam James Payne. Thank you for making me feel beautiful. I love you so much.

Love, Niall"

I folded up the letter and placed it back into my pocket. I blew one final kiss before walking back to my car. I walked away leaving behind the picture of us two.

That evening, Niall decided that he needed to be with Liam again. His heart ached to be with him again.

Niall said his final goodbyes in a long letter to his family and friends that he left on the nightstand.

He climbed up and stood on the chair, fastening the rope around his neck. This would be the ending to Niall's life. He kicked the chair down and his limp body hung from the ceiling.

All of this to be with his lover again, and it was all worth it because the two of them found each other and promised to never leave each other again.

"I told you we would see each other again," Niall whispered, kissing Liam.

"I know you did, baby." Liam said pulling the smaller boy closer into his arms.

"We will always be together."

-----------------------------------------------------A/N: So this is the first one shot. Tell me your honest opinion! I really appreciate it!

And please check out my Niam Fanfic: 99 Days Without You (niam)

Please leave some requests!!


IG: _niamplease

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