Sandwiches and Attidudes

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"Hey Ni, do you want lunch?" Liam asked his boyfriend from the kitchen. Niall was laying on the couch with his phone in front of his face. Niall just groaned back. "So is that a yes or no?" Liam asked again as he cut the tomatoes. "Uh uh" Niall responded not looking up from his phone. Liam just shrugged and continued preparing himself a sandwich.

Liam came and sat down beside Niall with a sandwich in his hand. Niall still kept his eyes locked on his phone. "So Ni, what do you want to do today?" Liam asked trying to get Niall to talk to him. Niall just shrugged and Liam was becoming irritated but he didn't say anything. Liam just decided to drop it and turn on the television.

"Can you turn it down? This show is stupid." Niall mumbled without looking up. Liam just glared at him and turned down the volume. Niall let out an occasional cough but besides that, he remained silent and Liam had no idea what was up. Liam laughed at the corny jokes that were said by the sitcom which earned a groan from Niall who then stood up and walked upstairs. Liam furrowed his eyebrows and just shook his head, he'll deal with him later.


After about two hours, Niall came walking down the stairs finally with his phone in hand. "Liam I'm hungry," he said as he headed to the kitchen. He was still scrolling on his phone and Liam didn't want nothing more than to rip the phone out of Niall's hand and throw it out the window. "You know where the fridge is," was all Liam said as he took a sip from his lemonade. He saw Niall glare at him but just ignored the stubborn blonde boy.

"Liam! We don't have anything!" He whined as he pushed through the kitchen door. "I asked you if you wanted a sandwich," Liam said, pausing the tv. "Yeah but I don't want that." Niall said, he just stood in the door way with the most irritated look. "Well then, I can't help you." Liam said.

"Woah, calm down." Niall mumbled under his breath. Liam scoffed and played his show. Niall came walking out with a bag of chips. "I'm bored," Niall said loudly, standing in front of the TV with his arms crossed. Liam just stared at him, "what?"

"Fine I'll go out myself." Niall said before storming towards the front door. Liam quickly followed. "Oh so now you want to come?" Niall laughed sarcastically. Liam couldn't take it anymore. Niall was being so obnoxious for no reason at all. Liam was trying to control his anger.

Liam grabbed Niall's wrist and slammed the smaller boy against the wall. He stared at Niall and tried to keep from yelling out in frustration. "Lose the attitude, babe." He whispered harshly. Niall was taken aback and shook under Liam's grasp. Niall could see in Liam's eyes that he was pissed. Liam stared at him for a bit longer before dropping his wrists and storming upstairs.

Niall stood in shock, he watched Liam storm up the stairs and gulped. He heard the door slam which made him flinch. He debated on running after Liam or proceeding on his evening "walk". It didn't take him long to decide, in a minute he was running up the steps.

Liam was beyond pissed at Niall. He laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, he didn't even know what was wrong with the boy. He started mumbling things and rubbing his face with his hands. "What the hell is his problem, try to do everything to make him happy and he acts like this. Maybe I should just stop." He mumbled under his breath, he didn't even notice the figure present in the doorway.

"Li?" He spoke out, stepping in the room slowly. Liam just continued staring at the ceiling, not phased by his boyfriend in the room. "Liam? Please. I'm sorry." Niall choked out, he was terrified. Liam never physically attacked him like that. Liam still stared at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing. Niall continued proceeding forward until he was beside the bed. He sat down on the mattress, picking at his nails.

"Liam? Babe?" Niall held back his tears, he rested one hand on Liam's thigh but still it caused no reaction. Liam blinked once and kept quiet. "I'm sorry Liam, I know I've been a dick all day and I'm really sorry. I don't know why I-I don't have an excuse or anything it's just one of those days Li." Niall started. Liam continued listening but decided not to respond. "And if you're mad at me I understand but just know that I love you and if you want me to sleep else where tonight I will. I'm sorry baby, I love you." Niall said wiping away his tears. Liam still said nothing, he bit his tongue. Niall bent down to kiss Liam's forehead but Liam grabbed Niall's jaw with his hand.

Niall began panicking but once Liam cracked a small smile, he couldn't help but smile back. "It's ok Ni, everybody has a bad day. I'm sorry for scaring you, don't ever think I would hurt you I was just angry. I promise I will never hurt you ok?" Was all Liam said. He sat up and pulled Niall onto his lap. Niall was leaning in for a kiss but Liam pulled away. Niall's heart stopped and he looked at the ground. Liam lifted up Niall's chin and looked him in the eyes. "How about that sandwich?" Liam asked, breaking the silence. Niall laughed and nodded, "ok." Liam carried Niall down to the kitchen and placed him on the counter. Liam kissed Niall once more before gathering the food.

----------------------------------------------go and follow my IG! @_niamplease

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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