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I don't think he/she likes me back
I know, a weird way to start a poem
But it's true
He/She has been avoiding me
Every time I tried to approach him/her
I feel hopeless

I am trying my best
But it's useless
I become weak when it comes to...
I feel weak
And I feel hopeless

You know that girl I was talking about?
She's giving me more affection
It's not feeling right
Because I don't know if I love her
She knows I want affection
I feel hopeless

Am I feeling tired?
Or is this depression?
Well, I don't want to kill myself... yet
It's probably because of school
Because I feel miserable
And I feel hopeless

Newsflash, everyone!
My crush has been taken...
I'm still single
They have been dating since last month
Finally... another reason why I should cry myself to sleep
Because I feel hopeless

Tch, it's not gonna be worth it
School is almost over
And its not like I even cared
Oh no, not this feeling again
I feel cold hearted
And I feel hopeless

I have been cold hearted before
From my last break up
We weren't meant to be
It was a misunderstanding
Just like my life
Because I feel hopeless

You know Undertale, right?
Whenever you die,
Your heart shatters apart
That was like my heart
When I heard he/she was now taken
I feel hopeless

My friend say "Don't give up!"
I already gave up
Because he/she is already taken
It's no use
Its already too late to confess
Because I'm hopeless

It's all my fault
I should've confessed before it was too late
Who's dating him/her?
I'm not sure if I want to know
If it was my ex, I wouldn't be surprised
Because I feel hopeless

I once felt happy before
My group won a trophy for best performance
I got accepted to the magnet school
I met more friends
But all of that went down
Because I feel hopeless

A friend of mine is still encouraging me
Quite typical of an Aries
I tell my Aries friend
It's too late
Aries is still trying to keep my hopes up
Because Aries knows that I feel hopeless

A other friend of mine will post this on Wattpad
At least my writing will be known
She knows I make poems for him/her
And only for him/her
Now you guys know
I feel hopeless

And yes, I will post this on DeviantArt
Where you will find other poems
That are somewhat romantic
And short stories
That are quite inspiring
I always write whenever I feel hopeless

That's it for the poem
I may or may not be writing poems like this
All because of him/her
I wish I never met him/her
But now here I am, writing more poems
...Because I am... and forever will be...


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