Chapter 19

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Something seemed to click that day at Sydney's. Well, more specifically, I seemed to click with Arrow. And I realised that I don't need to ride everyday, to practice all the time. As long as the times when I do ride him are sweet, peaceful, and full of kindness, we'll improve. 

And we are, slowly but surely. Three times a week, every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, I'll go down to the barn, tack Arrow up, and do something just slightly harder than last time. I'll polish his paces, work on circles and improve my leg-yields. 

The bottom line is: if I'm peaceful, then everything and everyone around me will be too. 

Meaning that I can enjoy Arrow, Silver, the school, and my friends. 

Sure, I've got those little niggling thoughts in the back of my head. Like Kennedy's threats, and the upcoming tests from Lucy. But I know that stressing is pointless. So I don't.

Life is pretty much perfect right now.

•  •  •

"Hey, Jess?" Bertie walks into the bedroom, a stack of thick textbooks under each arm, and a pen between her teeth, making her speech slightly hiss-ey. Tabitha and Rose are at swimming practice.

"Um, Bertie, how much Maths revision are you doing?" I try not to laugh as I rush over to take some of her load away from her. 

"It's not my fault my parents are Math freaks," she protests, dumping them onto the bed. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you. Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Not other than Arrow's schooling," I reply, sitting back at my desk and flicking through my Science essay. "Why?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to go into the village with us. You haven't been yet, have you?"

The local village is where students can go out to on a Saturday, to buy stuff and have a coffee. I haven't been yet, as I was having a meltdown over Arrow and Silver. Why not?

"Sure," giving up on my messy essay, I move onto my drama character study; our play's going really well. "So, who's going?"

"Um, Tabitha, Rose and me, obviously, and Liam, Nat, and their group." 


Bertie sighs, shoves her textbooks onto her desk, and logs onto the computer. "I'm just emailing my parents. I haven't for ages. They probably think I'm dead."

Oh, gosh, I need to talk to mine. A feeling of shame feels it's way into the pit of my stomach. I said I'd keep in contact, and I keep my word.

"I think I'll phone my mum," I step outside the room and tap my mum's contact, holding the phone to my ear. It rings twice before she answers.

"Jess, sweetie, how are you? How is Arrow?"

I told my family all about Arrow and Silver. Well, I told them about everything. 

"They're good. Hey, guess where Lucy took me a month ago, with Arrow?"

It's been an entire month. It's true what they say; time flies by when you're having fun.

I talk to my mum for a while, during which Tabitha and Rose go into the bedroom (and Rose tries to make me laugh by pulling faces until Tabitha drags her into the room). 

I just love my friends.

•  •  •

"Is this okay?" I step back from the mirror and check my blue jumper, black jeans, and grey ankle boots. Rose, Bertie and Tabitha are all wearing such nice clothes, I want to look my best. 

"No, Jess," Rose rolls her eyes. "You look totally gross. Like you did the last seven times you've asked. That jumper looks disgusting with those boots, by the way."

I laugh at her sarcastic tone. "Thanks. You look horrible too."

"Come on, guys, let's go!" Bertie whines, and her and Tabitha drag me and Rose downstairs, where Liam, Nat and their friends are waiting. 

"You took so long!" Liam rolls his eyes, and I grin, rolling my eyes. 

"Come on, let's go!"

We walk quickly towards the school gates, where we'll be signed out. Liam falls into step with me as his and my friends mingle.

"So, I finished The Tenant of Wildfell Hall."


"It was actually not unreadable," he sighs. "I guess you were right. The Brontës are better than Dickens."

"Have you ever actually read any Dickens?" I roll my eyes despairingly.

"No," he starts. "But I saw that film with the Heathcliff guy in. The Heights one."

"That's Emily Brontë, you idiot!" I slap his shoulder lightly, bursting into laughter. 

"Bit harsh," he sniffs, crossing his arms, as we're filed out of the gates and start down the road. 

"Not really."

The village turns out to be a small, sweet collection of brick houses coffe places and touristy type shops. After heading in and out of several little stores, Rose leads us confidently into a cute little cafe, and goes off to order drinks after a loud shouting match, during which everyone tried to tell her first. In the end, Tabitha produces a long list.

"How's the horse going?" Liam asks as we sit down at a large table in in corner. 

"He's going great," I grin. "You know Sydney Evans?"

"Yeah, she always pre-orders new Avegro tack. She's cool. What about her?"

"Lucy got me and Arrow a class with her!"

"Really?" He looks impressed. "That's cool. Did it help?"

"A lot." Rose returns, unsteadily balancing a loaded tray of drinks, handing them out. I blow gently on my hot chocolate as rain begins to tap down onto the window next to me. "I wasn't doing so well before."

"I noticed," he shrugs. "You looked really tired. I'm glad you've sorted it out."

I smile, inside and outside. Spending time with Liam is fun, it makes me relax.

By the time we get outside, the shower has turned into a downpour, and the eight if us try to cram under two umbrellas, rushing down the road in the gushing wind, avoiding puddles. When we finally get back to the school we're soaked through, but somehow not shivering. 

All my friends are crazy, weird and different from each other in some way. But they're also sweet, loyal and kind. And I realised, then, how lucky I was to have them.

a/n: Hey guys, I decided to update a short & sweet chapter (because of all the drama recently) early because of all the sweet comments and all your votes (so, so many!!). But also for the small reason...


Seriously, it's so amazing. It's only been about three weeks since this book got one thousand! That means that you guys gave me a thousand views in twenty one days!


Maddie xx ;-D

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