The Signs As Pewdiepie Quotes

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Aries ~ "I'll brofist your asshole"

Taurus ~ "Maybe you wanna quit when things fail but you can't just fail when things quit"

Gemini ~ "In sweden we wear carpets as hats"

Cancer ~ "I'm on my period" (WTF)

Leo ~ "There you are cheese tits" (again wtf)

Virgo ~ "You're asian so i trust you"

Libra ~ "Believe in yourself you can do anything! Lol jk you'll probably die"

Scorpio ~ "Roses are red, violets are blue, eat a dick" (Lol)

Sagittarius ~ "I guess its ok for people to have opinions, even though yours is fucking wrong!!"

Capricorn ~ "Ain't nobody getting through my flappy hole"

Aquarius ~ "Don't use a tampon if you are a boy"

Pisces ~ "Don't be a salad, be the best goddamn broccoli you could ever be!"

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