Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Before Louis left that night, he and Harry swapped numbers. The two were texting backwards and forwards non stop; getting to know each other, and sharing jokes.

They went asleep at two in the morning, they were completely unaware of the time since they were so into the conversation. Louis had never really had a conversation like that with anyone in a long time, he found it quite refreshing.

On the other hand, Harry was extremely exhausted. It wasn't normal for him to be up late at night. He was doing jumping jacks so he wouldn't fall asleep on Louis, he didn't want to be that kind of person.

Louis ended up leaving before he could see Danielle, which he wasn't really fussed about. He was okay with Harry, and Harry had forgiven him, which was all he cared about.

"Morning Lou." Daniel smiled at Louis. Louis smiled at his step-father.

"Morning Dan," Louis grinned, "Having the day off work?" Louis questioned. He grabbed something to drink before sitting down.

"Yeah, I have a doctors appointment at half ten." Daniel sighed, sipping his tea. Louis nodded his head, before he heard a knock on the door.

"Is that Danielle?" He laughed. Louis nodded.

"Who else?" Louis laughed, "I'll see you later." He smiled. Louis grabbed all his belongings for school, and headed out.

"Hi Lou!" Danielle smiled, kissing him, "How come you never came around yesterday? I was waiting for you, all last night."

"Um, yeah," Louis said, "I found out I had a maths test today, so I just got last minute revision in before the test." Louis made up a little white lie.

Danielle nodded her head, believing him. The two started walking to school since Danielle didn't have her car today. They spoke about anything and everything, however Danielle was just talking about what happened yesterday with her friend at the doctors.

Louis wasn't paying any attention her what-so-ever. In all honesty, he wanted to walk away from her and not look back.

"And when her mum found out she was so pissed off, but then again- Louis? Are you even listening to me?" Danielle questioned, stopping mid sentence.

Louis nodded, "Y-Yeah I am." He lied.

Danielle sighed heavily, and sipped her drink, she muttered a simple 'whatever.' The two walked into school, and their group of friends saw them immediately. They all called them over, and Danielle put on a fake smile.

"Hey you two." Niall smiled brightly. Louis smiled, saying a small 'hey'. He next pulled a face, meaning he needed to talk to Niall and Eric.

"We have to go see about that maths test now, I'll see you later babe." Louis said, kissing Danielle's forehead. She gave him a fake smile, meaning that they needed to talk later.

Quickly, Louis, Niall and Eric left the group. When they were all out of hearing range, the two started bomb barding Louis with questions about him and Harry. Louis laughed, putting his hands up before the two stopped asking questions.

"We sorted everything out, we're on good terms now." Louis smiled bashfully, a blush rising on his cheeks.

His friends chuckled, and Eric sat down on the bench. He patted him on the back.

"You're so fucking whipped." Eric said. Louis' jaw dropped open slightly, and he shook his head rather quickly.

"I am not whipped, and I don't even know if I'm... Gay." Louis sighed heavily.

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