Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

"Mhm, you two sound like some kinky swinger couple." Niall laughed, after Louis explained what happened last night.

Louis chuckled, "Wow, thank you."

"Have the rest of this, I'm stuffed." Niall said, handing Louis the cut up apple.

"Why are you trying to eat healthy all the sudden?" Louis laughed, eating a slice of the apple.

"My mum is on this diet, and she wants me to eat healthier cause somehow I come to her mind when she's the one on the diet." Niall said, nodding his head.

"Oh bless you, I'll be smuggling cookies in for you soon." Louis joked. Niall looked at him.

"Please." Niall begged. Louis laughed, and the bell rang. The two stood up and started heading to their first lesson of the day, English.

"Are you going to Eric's Friday?" Niall asked. Louis shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure still. I have to see what Harry's doing." Louis said. Niall nodded his head.

"You can always bring him along if you want, can't miss a good piss up Tommo." Niall laughed. Louis smiled and nodded his head.

When the boys reached their English room, they separated and headed to their seats. Louis sat down and got his pen out.

All through English, Louis was secretly texting Harry, who was still at home because he was still ill. Louis asked Harry if he was wanting to go to Eric's with him, however he never got a reply from Harry.

"Hi Lou." Danielle smiled at Louis, he was waiting in the dinner line. Louis grinned.

"Hey Danielle." Louis smiled.

"I never got to thank you for looking after Harry again. Thanks." She grinned softly.

"It's okay. It's nothing big." Louis said, nodding his head.

"'Kay, well I'll see you later." Danielle smiled. Louis grinned and said goodbye before she left.

Louis got his food from the front of the queue, before heading over to his friends and sitting down. All of his friends greeted Louis and Louis greeted them back.

Louis got his phone out and continued to text Harry. He was unsure whether to go to the party however Louis didn't want to pressure him into going.

At 3:10 the bell rang, indicating the school day was over and done with.

Louis called up Harry, asking if anyone was home and Harry told him that Danielle was coming straight home from school, but should be going out later on.

He decided on going around Harry's house a little later on than usual.

In the mean time, to pass the time, Louis just dome extra studying and finished off note taking.

After a bit of studying, Louis got called by his mum later on and went downstairs to have dinner. His family were watching television like usual.

Johannah smiled at Louis, and he returned the smile.

Louis decided on eating his dinner outside in the garden, since it was so warm recently. He got his phone out and called Harry, awaiting for him to pick up.

"Hi love." Louis smiled brightly when Harry picked up.

"Hey boo." Harry said quietly, he still sounded pretty ill.

"How are you feeling?" Louis questioned, he ate some of his dinner.

"I'm feeling better, I've been in bed all day." Harry chuckled, he was still talking in a quiet voice.

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