Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen:

"Morning Lou." Harry grinned brightly, seeing Louis pull up into the drive.

"Morning love." Louis replied. He watched Harry get into the car, and Louis pulled out of the driveway.

"Nervous by any chance?" Louis chuckled, seeing Harry was fidgeting in his seat. Harry looked at Louis and nodded his head slightly.

"Yeah," He replied, "Then again, you can understand why." Harry chuckled. Louis nodded his head in agreement.

"I do, but don't worry, I'm here and I'll show you around." Louis grinned. Harry chuckled.

"Lord help me." He laughed. Louis pulled a fake hurt expression.

"What's that supposed to me?!" Louis exclaimed. Harry giggled, shaking his head.

"Nothing my love, I'm sorry." Harry cooed. Louis chuckled, smiling brightly at Harry.

"Oh shit..." Harry muttered, seconds later. Louis cocked his eyebrow.

"What?" He asked.

"Danielle!" Harry exclaimed, hiding from her sight. Louis watched and made sure Danielle was gone.

"Okay, she's gone." Louis told Harry. He sat up again and smiled, thanking Louis.

"It's going to be a task trying to hide away from her all day." Harry said, looking at his boyfriend.

Louis nodded, "Don't worry. It shouldn't be too hard since she's busy the majority of the day." Louis replied. Harry nodded his head and smiled.

"Okay." He said, still smiling.

Arriving at school, Harry was looking around nervously. Louis parked up and put his hand on Harry's thigh.

"It'll be fine, you're with me," Louis smiled, "I also cooked chicken nuggets!" He chuckled. Harry grinned brightly, laughing at Louis' goofiness.

"Okay, lets go." Harry smiled.

The two boys jumped out the car, and Louis locked it up. First of all, he had to show Harry to reception so he could get his timetable for the day.

"Hello, what's your name?" She questioned, smiling up at Harry and Louis.

"Harry Styles." Harry replied, giving her a small smile back. She nodded her head, before flipping through a pieces of paper.

"Are you Danielle Campbell's brother by any chance?" The woman asked, leaning over and handing Harry the sheet which has his timetable on.

"Yes I am, and thank you." Harry said, looking at the time table.

"She's been talking about you coming here for weeks now, bless her," She chuckled, "By the way, when the first bell rings, you have to go to the main hall." The woman informed Harry. Harry nodded his head.

He thanked her one more time before heading out of the small reception.

"Let me have a look at your timetable, boo." Louis smiled gently. Harry handed him the piece of paper, and Louis stopped.

"We have lunch in different block..." Louis huffed, "I'll come and get you and we can have lunch together if you want?" He asked, smiling softly. Harry grinned and nodded.

"I'd like that, yeah." Harry said, blushing slightly. Louis chuckled and smiled at his wonderful boyfriend.

"Do you want to go café?" Louis questioned, "Niall and Eric have been dying to see you again." He finished off. Harry thought for a second before nodding his head.

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