confession #2

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Today I was nervous. I was going too this mental health hospital, but where the children go. Yes, my mom found out that I cut myself. She caught me trying to attempt suicide. Soo... yeah. I was nervous about going. I. Didn't. Want. To. Go. But when I went there, there were only little children. So I think to myself, grrreeeeeaaaat. Little children. Until my attention was caught by two boys. One of the boys waved at me, so I waved back. Luckily, I sat by him  along with his other friend. (I will not be saying these names. Sorry.) They boy that I sat in front of was there because he wanted to kill himself. So we had that in common. So we go to lunch and I sit by myself. Finally, the boy that was  standing by me. He asked if he can sit with me. I said sure. He sits down, and we start talking. I asked him why he was in this hospital. (Just so you know, these were the thing that we both had in common.) He said that he was here because he tried to attempted suicide, but failed, he cut, he was depressed. I had had voices in my head that were saying to go kill yourself, jump off of a roof, your fat, your ugly, ect.  So we talked and we got to know each other. Finally, we went to the classroom. To do some kiddie math. We drew and did our math. So we were getting ready to go and I asked how old he was. He was 11, and in sixth grade. Just like me! The other guy in front of me was cool, but something about edg- NEVER MIND! Something about... The boy next to me... The van came to pick us up. I was depressed at the end of the day. He asked me if I was ok, I said I'm fine. So we went joking around in the elevator when we went outside. We walked together and he said see ya tomorrow.  With a smile. Along we went back home. When I came home, all I thought about was the boy next to me. Maybe it's hospital love sickness......

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