Welcome to my new story

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Reina: Hello! Welcome to my latest crossover, which is Librarians and Servamp.

For this story.... You really don't need to know anything about Librarians really. There might be a few inside jokes, but overall I'll try to make my own plots up.

As for Servamp... Maybe enough to know their personalities, but not a lot either. I'll probably make these characters OOC.....

This fic will star the following characters:

- Kuro is the Guardian - he protects the Librarians from danger. Or he should, anyway. Kuro is super lazy and would rather sleep all day, but it's implied that he knows a thing or two about magic.

- Mikuni is the Librarian that everyone is used to - he was chosen ten years ago. However, there's something off about him....

- Mahiru is one of the newest Librarians - he is a history major in this story, and likes to think simply. He is also really good at cleaning.

- Licht is the second of the newest Librarians - a musical prodigy, Licht can memorize any song he hears. He also tends to get pissed off at Lawless, and is the Librarian with the strongest kicks.

- Lawless is the last of the newest Librarians - he's a drama major that will quote Shakespeare at any given moment, and knows a lot about plays and older stories. He tends to mess with everyone, and is Kuro's younger brother.

- Misono owns the Annex, a small part of the Library. Misono initially hates everyone and wants them to leave him alone. He can perform a bit of magic, but he's also hiding something.

- Lily is Kuro and Lawless's younger brother. He might appear from time to time.

- And last but not least, Tsubaki. Tsubaki is the head of "The Brotherhood of Vampires," a group that wants to use magic for ulterior purposes. Not much is known about him at this time.

Reina: This story will take some inspiration from the first season of Librarians, and then it will deviate from there. Expect Vampires, ninjas, melon soda, dragons, skeletons, werewolves, genies, and just about anything else.

Have fun reading!


The Librarians and the Brotherhood of Vampires #OtakuBattle2017Where stories live. Discover now