
17 1 0

(possible trigger warnings for anxiety please be careful (: the possible triggering parts will be between (··¥··) and (··¥··) )

cal pov.
I sit against the bathtub trying to not have a panic attack. I'm not even sure why this is happening, all i know is that it is and I have to calm down.

I hear a door slam causing my breath to get erratic and me to start shaking.
/Please no no no no/ I think to myself before I begin hyperventilating.

I pull my legs to my chest even tighter as Luke yells my name through the house. His calls for me get more urgent and I hear doors opening and closing frantically.

Soon the bathroom door swings open, revealing me curled up between the tub and the toilet having a full blown panic attack, feeling like i'm going to pass out soon. Luke drops to his knees and comes closer to me, eventually pulling me into a tight hug and rocking me back and forth whispering into my ear. I continue sobbing into his shirt gasping for air and holding onto him for dear life.

After a few moments of him helping me breath in a correct pattern, I eventually calm down still stuck in a daze and very eager to know why that happened.

I look up at Luke and quietly ask, "can you get me some aspirin and water please." He nods and walks out of the bathroom as I stand and look in the mirror and examine my reflection. The little amount of makeup I had on is running down my face.
I sigh to myself and reluctantly grab the make up wipes and clear off all my make up. I then sit back down on the floor, exhausted from the scene that had just unfolded.

When Luke walks back into the room I gratefully grab the aspirin and take them with the water. I then pull him back down on the floor, straddling his lap and pulling him into a comfortable tight hug. We sit there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence and me enjoying the feeling of comfort.

Eventually Luke sighs and whispers out a barely audible, "I love you calum." He shifts over a little then whispers even quieter, "no homo though." I snort and shove at his shoulder but continue cuddling him on the bathroom floor enjoying the comfort he gives me

After a few moments, I whisper back a quick "i love you too," and let out a heavy sigh, knowing I should get up but I don't want to, not yet at least.

"Luke" I ask while pulling my head away from his shoulder,
"Yeah?" he replies.
"Did my ass taste weird?" I ask with a smirk. He giggles before gently shoving my shoulder. "But no seriously, will you cuddle with me in bed?"
To which he smiles and picks both of us up and leads us down the hallway towards my room. I think to myself that I might actually get some sleep tonight.

As I lay down in the bed next to him, I almost instantly wrapping my legs and arms around him. He giggles quietly then whispers, "your ass didn't taste like anything but filthy lube why didn't you buy flavored you shithead."

"Luke we have flavored you just didn't grab it" I reply in a fit of laughter. he looks at me with wide eyes and a surprised face. He then closes my eyes and whispers "shhhh go to bed" which i giggle at then try to get some sleep.

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