13 (rawr xD its not a phase mom im basically an adult im 13 now)

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(this is part one of a two part chapter!!!!)

Maybe it was the way his eyes glistened in the lighting or maybe it was his almost florescent red lips but something attracted me to him.


I hear the phone ring and roll my eyes at the irritating sound. "Hello?" I ask in a hoarse whisper.

"Hello can you please put Calum Hood on the phone" the man through the phone says.

"This is him..." I reply cautiously.

"Yes I was wondering if you would like to do a kind of group photoshoot in a few days?"

"Yes of course! May I call for the details later?"

"Yes sir i'll call you back in a few hours." With that, I hang up the phone with a large grin swept across my face.

I sleepily lay my head back down into my pillow letting the conversation run through my head. "LUKE!!" i yell out through out the house. I soon hear stumbling up the stairs and my bedroom door being swung open.

"Yes?" He asks examining my face. I hold my arms out for him and happily agrees, sliding into my arms casually. I simply pat his head, cuddle into him, and //try// to fall back asleep.


I wake up to little hands smacking my face and Eliza yelling in my ear that the phone was ringing. I gently push her onto the bed, hearing her giggling as I pick up the phone

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"May I speak to Michael Clifford?" The man responds.

"Speaking..." I say trailing off and looking toward Eliza.

"Yes would you like to do a photoshoot in a few days."

My heart begins racing, "I will have to message my manager but if i am free i would love too!"

"Okay Mr.clifford hope to see you there" I hang up the phone and draw my attention back to Eliza.


"Yea princess?" I ask while picking her up and setting her on my hip. I then take her to Ashton's room and knock on the door.

"Can we eat panacakes?" she asks me not fully knowing how to pronounce pancakes yet.

"You'll have to ask uncle Ashy, I dont know how to make them." She then nods enthusiastically as ashton opens the door in just a towel me quickly covering elizas eyes and scolding him. As she bats my hand away from her eyes, she makes puppy eyes at ashton (which i could practically hear him melt at) and quietly asks

"Can you //please// make me and daddy panacakes uncle ashy?"

He jokingly sighs and hesitantly says yes as she starts jumping in my arms almost causing me to drop her. I quickly set her down knowing if i dont the chances of me dropping her are quite high. As i set her down i cant help but admire the child I made out of a mistake. Who would've known a mistake could make my life so much happier. I admire the way her black hair she got from her mother clashes against her light skin and light green eyes she got from me. I cant help but smile and kiss her forehead thanking myself for staying on my knees in front of her and hug her close to me.

"Daddy why are you holding me like that?" she asks in a questionable tone

"No reason Princess... I just love you," I say while giving her a small smile and standing up to walk into the kitchen with her small hand wrapped around two of my fingers.

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