Part Three

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Upon the arrival of Monday, there was an odd feeling hanging in the air. It seemed as if nothing was right as Leon walked himself to school. His head was such a mess of questions that he could hardly put a finger on a single thought. Aside from the buzzing head, the mere atmosphere of the early morning was unusual. Leon glanced around him to check if anyone was following him, just in case.

Maybe he was just going crazy, because there definitely wasn't anyone following him. The journey went on and he soon arrived at the school gates. School may not have been his most favourite place on earth, but it wasn't too bad. He had a couple of friends, didn't mind learning a thing or two along the way and enjoyed not being cooped up in his house with his dad. There was the occasional idiot who would come around and give him shit, but other than that it was okay.

"Hey, Leon!" A voice called, causing Leon to jolt ever so slightly. "Dude, hey," the voice repeated. He turned around to see his friend Alfred waving and jogging towards him. He seemed like your typical jock at first look, gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyes that shimmered like the sea, sports jacket, a passion for anything sporty, always flirting with the ladies and occasional guy and tendency to act as if he was a hero and say a stupid thing or two. But if you looked past all of that, he was pretty much one of the sweetest guys Leon knew. He never said anything bad about anyone and only had one unexplained grudge against someone at the school, he always helped out when he was needed and was the most loveable goof you'd ever meet.

"Hey Al," Leon called out, lacking his usual enthusiasm.

"What's up?" Alfred asked, slinging an arm over Leon's shoulder and walking him toward the school building.

"Not much," Leon shrugged, playing it cool, pushing the door open and feeling the rush of warm inside air fly past him.

"You sure, dude? You seem a little down," he commented, seeming concerned.

"Yeah. Just some weird shit happened Saturday night," Leon admitted, looking down and biting his lip as he neared his locker.

"You wanna talk about it?" Alfred asked gently, swinging off to the side as Leon opened up his locker and shoved his bag inside.

"It's nothing really. Just weird dreams," he dismissed, closing his locker with a bang that was a little louder than expected, causing both boys to jump. "Sorry, didn't mean that."

"Well alright then. I'll see you–"

"Hello!" A familiar voice greeted. It was Elizaveta, otherwise known as Liz to everyone who knew her due to the fact that she couldn't stand the sound of her own name because of a creepy kid who was crushing on her in her childhood years. She slung an arm around Alfred's shoulders as she arrived and then settled herself between the two. "How are we?" She asked, fairly chipper as usual.

"Fine," the two chorused.

"Please tell me one of you packed extra food today," Liz complained. "I forgot my lunch again."

"Are you sure you forgot your lunch or are you just wanting to eat my food?" Alfred wondered.

"Both," she admitted, shrugging casually. Leon turned to open his locker while Alfred dropped his bag and rummaged through it. In the end, Liz happily walked away with a cookie, half a sandwich and an apple.

"Should we tell her that she also forgot to wear socks too?" Alfred leaned over to whisper into Leon's ear and she walked away.

"She'll realise sooner or later," Leon replied. In all honesty, Liz was a very forgetful person. She would forget the simplest of things each morning: breakfast, socks, brushing her hair, lunch. Once she almost left the house without shoes. But despite all of the forgetfulness, there were two things she would never forget; her homework and which day she had P.E.

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