Part Four

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Tuesday passed as Monday did, a hurricane of distractions. Although this time, Leon was actually able to pay attention to his friends. If the problems with being distracted wouldn't get any better, Leon feared that he'd have to stop visiting Erikur. So he had to try not to get distracted.

It was an enormous effort to keep up in class because for some reason the forest at the edge of the grounds was much more interesting than what was happening inside the classroom. Health class was made a little easier because he sat next to Liz and was constantly being tapped on the head with her pen every single time he looked out the window.

"Oi, Leon," Liz interrupted. "Are you listening to me?" Leon spun around completely clueless as to what was going on.

"What?" He asked.

"Didn't think so," she grumbled. "I was just saying, are you taking anyone to the school dance?" School dance? Since when did they have a school dance coming up? Completely frazzled, Leon choked on his words.

"We have a school dance?"

"I guess you weren't listening in homeroom either," she sighed. Leon muttered a quick and almost silent apology in response. "If you're not taking one, you can take me because I refuse to go with freaking stalker boy Gilbert Beilschmidt. I know he's not going to let up until I say yes unless I'm taking someone I'm close to," she explained.

"I guess I can take you because I'm not planning on taking anyone," Leon shrugged.

"Okay, well it's settled then. You'll take me to the dance. Unless you spontaneously find some girl or guy to take," Liz added.

"It's not like it's actually going to happen," Leon dismissed, naturally turning to look outside the window again.

"I dunno, Leon, that girl, Bella," she hinted, jerking her head in the direction of her right to the row behind where Bella sat. The curly haired girl took a quick glance in Leon's direction and flashed a smile before quickly looking away.

"She's your ex. Are you sure she's not looking at you wanting to have a second chance and trying girls again?" Leon wondered, furrowing his brows.

"She's a fucking straightie, she's looking at you for sure," she confirmed.

"I don't want to take her to the dance, she was a total bitch to you."

"Oh thank god. Because if you were going to go with her I'd probably lose faith in humanity," she groaned. Leon gave a nod of agreement. At the moment, he definitely wasn't thinking about going out with girls at the moment, or anyone for that matter.


Once Leon had arrived home, he dumped his bag, ran upstairs to fetch the paper and pencils and rushed downstairs, almost tripping and falling to his death on the way. He slid into the kitchen and threw open the pantry door and gave it a quick scan down to try and find something that was good.

Potato chips were a no-no because Erikur specifically requested no potatoes. Muesli bars were for losers. Fruit would probably be a punishment for Erikur. Rice crackers? Good enough. But was that enough food? Probably not. Sandwiches would be good. But he didn't know what Erikur liked.

After ten minutes, Leon had made a PB&J, peanut butter, Nutella and jam sandwiches. It was probably overkill, but hey, Erikur seemed to be all blood and bone so it might be good for him to have a lot of food. With food in one hand and stationary in the other, Leon pranced to the backdoor and skipped out into the backyard, following the now all too familiar path to Erikur's spot.

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