Part Six

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Thursday came around eventually and school had been an absolute ball – as in an absolute drag sort of ball. Leon was mentally exhausted from the week, so much so that when he was in science class, he accidentally set a few things on fire when he wasn't paying attention (which was mistaken for pyromania, so he spent lunch inside the science rooms cleaning the equipment).

"Hey, Leon! You freaking pyro, wait up!" Leon heard someone call from behind him as he walked toward the school exit. It was Alfred, who was running through the hallway pushing past everyone in his way. Surprisingly he was trailed by Liz who was mad that she didn't get to push people out of the way. "Dude bro, we heard you got detention for setting shit on fire," Alfred gushed as soon as he caught up with Leon.

"It was an accident," Leon mumbled.

"That's what they all say," Liz teased, throwing her arm over Leon's shoulder. Leon opened his mouth to defend himself, when Liz cut him off quickly. "I'm just teasing, I know it was an accident. You've been so distracted lately, what's going on?"

"Nothing really. I'm just – I don't know – school isn't interesting..." Leon hesitated.

"No shit, bro. What's really up?" Alfred asked, slinging his hand over Leon's shoulder like Liz had. Leon couldn't decide whether or not he should tell the truth. Could he lie and tell them that he and his dad were arguing? No. a) they were always arguing, b) his fantastic friends would invite him over to keep him out of the house – but that meant not seeing Erikur. An excuse was too complicated. Fuck it.

"I'm teaching a kid how to read," Leon admitted. It was the truth, though it wouldn't have explained why he had been so distracted. Evidently, both Liz and Alfred were taken aback by Leon's confession, but they didn't have any time to question it as a certain curly, brown haired girl stopped the trio in their tracks. Liz and Alfred split from Leon and walked around the girl and stationed themselves a few metres away.

"Uh... Hi Bella," Leon greeted nervously, eyeing his friends visciously from the side. "What's up?" he asked.

"C'mon, you know what's up!" She whined, walking much much closer to Leon, making him feel uncannily nervous.

"What? You need tutoring from me? Assignments edited? You wanna try and use me to get to Liz? Because I have no clue what you want."

"Ask me to go to the dance with you already. I've been staring at you for the entire week," she demanded.

"Sorry, I'm not interested," Leon simply said, pushing past Liz. "Anyway, I'm taking Liz."

"YOU CAN'T TAKE LIZ SHE'S A LESBIAN!" Bella shouted, grabbing Leon by the arm. In the distance, Leon saw Liz fall over laughing. "If it's because you think I'm a lesbian, then think again, I'm straight as a ruler."

"Honey," Leon began, softly taking Bella's hand off his arm and staring at her sweetly. "One," he held up a finger, "I'm taking Liz because she's my friend. Two," he held up another finger, "I don't care if you're straight or not, I'm not taking my best friend's ex to the school dance. Three," he held up a final finger, "I'm not interested in anyone right now, so scamper off and ask stalker boy Beilschmidt to the school dance." Bella's mouth hung open like a broken trapdoor. Leon leaned in real close and whispered. "He's got a thing for curly haired girls." He winked and then simply walked away, shortly followed by his two friends.

"DAMN!" Alfred shouted a little too loudly, he was curtly shushed by Liz, who was trying her absolute best to stifle her giggles. "You freaking roasted her like a leg of lamb!" he exclaimed.

Leon laughed dryly. "Whatever. Anyways, Al, you never told us who you're taking to the lame ass school dance."

"That, my friend," Alfred began, coming to a halt in front of Liz and Leon, "is because I haven't asked them."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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