Part 12

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Renji took several deep breaths, his eyes closed. "Alright, Ichigo. What exactly should I do? I would think you have experience in this process of the birth."

Ichigo closed his eyes in annoyance, tilting his head down. "First of all, do they even have birthing classes here? Secondly, I have no idea the pain Rukia is feeling, so I have zero experience with this part of the birth. However, when Orihime was in labor, I found just supporting her and being by her side was the best. Just be there for Rukia. Things should end up fine." Glancing over at Orihime and Rukia, he sighed. "She needs you now." Walking over to Orihime, he bent down and kissed the side of her head. "I can trust she'll be safe with you. I'll be back as soon as I can," he murmured in her ear.

Orihime nodded. "Get going," she urged, pushing his shoulder gently.

Ichigo stood up. "Let's go, Toshiro," he muttered, pushing open the door. "Right," came Hitsugaya's response. "I need to find my troublesome lieutenant, too. Let's head to the bar real quick. She may have seen Captain Unohana earlier on."

Ichigo nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Orihime's hair blew in the wind as Ichigo flash stepped away.

* * *

Yoruichi crossed her arms as she arrived at Squad 4's barracks. "Do you have any idea where you captain is, Yamada?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

Hanatarou Yamada's eyes darted around, looking flustered. "N-no! I'm sorry, Yoruichi-san. Captain Unohana didn't say..."

Yoruichi sighed in frustration. "Thanks anyways, Yamada. Hey, can you head to Squad 6's headquarters? You'll see why we need your captain."

Hanatarou bowed slightly. "Of course, ma'am!"

* * *

Rangiku looked at Retsu Unohana, who had taken a seat next to her. "Captain Unohana," she murmured, a slight slur to her words. "I didn't know you went drinking."

Unohana smiled lightly at Rangiku. "I go out everyonce in a while, Lieutenant Matsumoto."


Rangiku jumped as a familiar voice screamed her name. "Captain?" she gasped, immediatley sobering up. Whirling around, she felt tears of joy spring in her eyes. Getting up quickly, she ran over and hugged Toshiro to her bosom tightly. "Captain, you're back!"

Toshiro mumbled something inaudible as he tried to get free from Rangiku's iron grip. Ichigo stared, dumbfounded. "Uh, Rangiku-san. I think you're suffocating him."

Rangiku released her grip, bending down so she could face Hitsugaya. "Where have you been, Captain? I've been so worried!"

"That's not important at the moment!" Toshiro scowled, adjusting his kimono. Facing Unohana, he cried out with emphasis. "We need you to come to Squad 6's barracks at once! Kuchiki Rukia has gone into labor!"

"What?!" Unohana and Rangiku cried out at the same time. "I must hurry then," Unohana stated, a serious look coming to her face.

Ichigo nodded, relief flitting over his face. "Great. Let's get going then."

"Isane," Unohana turned to her lieutenant. "Get some things prepared and bring them to Squad 6's barracks."

"Right away, Captain!"

Rangiku looked at Ichigo. "I should stay here - " she began.

"No," Ichigo said with emphasis. "We may need protection if the Hollows come. Who knows what will be happening?"

Rangiku nodded. "Alright."

And with that, they all flash stepped to fulfill their duties.

* * *

"OUCH!" Rukia cried, clutching her stomach with one hand and gripping Renji's in the other. Orihime took a towel and wiped the sweat from Rukia's brow. Hanatarou, who had just finished checking Rukia's dialation, sighed. "I'm afraid you're only 5 centimeters dialated," he muttered, a grim look on his face.

Orihime sighed, anxiety in her eyes. "I know it hurts, Kuchiki-san. Just hang in there," she soothed.

"Dammit, where's Ichigo and the others?" Renji demanded, casting looks at the door. Suddenly, Yoruichi arrived, looking frustrated. "I couldn't find her," she said coldly, crossing her arms.

Then, Ichigo burst through the door, looking flustered. "We found her!" he panted. Getting out of the way, he let Captain Unohana enter.

"Isane should be arriving soon with some equipment," she said, sitting by Rukia's side.

"Great," Ichigo said, breathless. Suddenly, a reiatsu crept upon everyone. Ichigo's eyes widened. "Hollows!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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