Our unfinished saga

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We came close,
Yet the distances never diminished,
Our story remained undone.

It is not necessary that the Earth always,
has to meet the blue
the true love is the one that
doesn't always get a destination.

There were colours,
There was light,
When you were near to me,
this world was like nirvana;
On the sand of time,
you left something like my name written......

Our unfinished saga,
Our unfinished tale.

I ran into your aroma,
just like that only,
see walking where have we reached.

If there are heavens here,
then why can't I see you here,
the moon and the sun,
everything is here only;
I have been waiting for you for centuries,
why is our incomplete fantasy
sitting here thirsty.

This journey of thirst will get over
That which seemed unfinished
will be finished;
The sky has bowed down
and the two worlds have met;

Everywhere there is a season of reunion,
There are palanquins ready,
There are scents everywhere,
Even God himself came here to read.

Now it can be called as,
Our complete story,
Our finished saga,
Our done fantasy.....

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