Bit by bit

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Come and join yourself to me in such a way,
that not even a bit of me remains

You don't have any memories
Even I don't know who I am
May we both forget who we were

Come and wrap me
Let me entwine with you

I want to slip bit by bit
I want to cease on your soul
I want to slip bit by bit
I want to get scattered in you

Empty the entire ocean
Fill it all in me
Let me drink you
And quench my thirst
Bring over some clouds
Shower them on me
In those raindrops that blend you
Let me get drenched

You don't have any memories
Even I don't know who I am
Come and wrap me
Let me entwine with you

I want to slip bit by bit
I want to cease on your soul
I want to slip bit by bit
I want to get scattered in you

Let me vacant myself
Let me ample myself with you
I want to glow bit by bit
Ignite me in such a way
I want to glide on your body
I want to halt on your body parts
In your deep cravings
Drown me

You don't have any memories
Even I don't know who I am
Come and wrap me
Let me entwine with you

I want to slip bit by bit
I want to cease on your soul
I want to slip bit by bit
I want to get scattered in you

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